1   package ixa.kaflib;
3   import com.google.gson.Gson;
4   import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
5   import org.jdom2.Element;
6   import org.jdom2.JDOMException;
8   import java.io.File;
9   import java.io.IOException;
10  import java.io.Reader;
11  import java.io.Serializable;
12  import java.util.*;
13  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
14  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
17  /**
18   * Respresents a KAF document. It's the main class of the library, as it keeps all elements of the document (word forms, terms, entities...) and manages all object creations. The document can be created by the user calling it's methods, or loading from an existing XML file.
19   */
21  public class KAFDocument implements Serializable {
23      public enum Layer {
24          text, terms, marks, deps, chunks, entities, properties, categories, coreferences, opinions, relations, srl, constituency, timeExpressions, linkedEntities, constituencyStrings;
25      }
27      public class FileDesc implements Serializable {
28          public String author;
29          public String title;
30          public String filename;
31          public String filetype;
32          public Integer pages;
33          public String creationtime;
35          private FileDesc() {
36          }
38  		@Override
39  		public String toString() {
40  			return "FileDesc{" +
41  					"author='" + author + '\'' +
42  					", title='" + title + '\'' +
43  					", filename='" + filename + '\'' +
44  					", filetype='" + filetype + '\'' +
45  					", pages=" + pages +
46  					", creationtime='" + creationtime + '\'' +
47  					'}';
48  		}
49  	}
51      public class Public implements Serializable {
52          public String publicId;
53          public String uri;
55          private Public() {
56          }
57      }
59      /**
60       * Language identifier
61       */
62      private String lang;
64      /**
65       * KAF version
66       */
67      private String version;
69      /**
70       * Linguistic processors
71       */
72      private Map<String, List<LinguisticProcessor>> lps;
74      private FileDesc fileDesc;
76      private Public _public;
78      /**
79       * Identifier manager
80       */
81      private IdManager idManager;
83      /**
84       * Keeps all the annotations of the document
85       */
86      private AnnotationContainer annotationContainer;
88      /**
89       * Creates an empty KAFDocument element
90       */
91      public KAFDocument(String lang, String version) {
92          this.lang = lang;
93          this.version = version;
94          lps = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<LinguisticProcessor>>();
95          idManager = new IdManager();
96          annotationContainer = new AnnotationContainer();
97      }
99      /**
100      * Creates a new KAFDocument and loads the contents of the file passed as argument
101      *
102      * @param file an existing KAF file to be loaded into the library.
103      */
104     public static KAFDocument createFromFile(File file) throws IOException, JDOMException {
105         KAFDocument kaf = null;
106 		kaf = ReadWriteManager.load(file);
107         return kaf;
108     }
110     /**
111      * Creates a new KAFDocument loading the content read from the reader given on argument.
112      *
113      * @param stream Reader to read KAF content.
114      */
115     public static KAFDocument createFromStream(Reader stream) throws IOException {
116         KAFDocument kaf = null;
117         try {
118             kaf = ReadWriteManager.load(stream);
119         } catch (JDOMException e) {
120             throw new IOException(e);
121         }
122         return kaf;
123     }
125     /**
126      * Sets the language of the processed document
127      */
128     public void setLang(String lang) {
129         this.lang = lang;
130     }
132     /**
133      * Returns the language of the processed document
134      */
135     public String getLang() {
136         return lang;
137     }
139     /**
140      * Sets the KAF version
141      */
142     public void setVersion(String version) {
143         this.version = version;
144     }
146     /**
147      * Returns the KAF version
148      */
149     public String getVersion() {
150         return version;
151     }
153     /**
154      * Adds a linguistic processor to the document header. The timestamp is added implicitly.
155      */
156     public LinguisticProcessor addLinguisticProcessor(String layer, String name) {
157         LinguisticProcessor lp = new LinguisticProcessor(layer, name);
158         List<LinguisticProcessor> layerLps = lps.get(layer);
159         if (layerLps == null) {
160             layerLps = new ArrayList<LinguisticProcessor>();
161             lps.put(layer, layerLps);
162         }
163         layerLps.add(lp);
164         return lp;
165     }
167     public LinguisticProcessor addLinguisticProcessor(String layer, LinguisticProcessor linguisticProcessor) {
168         List<LinguisticProcessor> layerLps = lps.get(layer);
169         if (layerLps == null) {
170             layerLps = new ArrayList<LinguisticProcessor>();
171             lps.put(layer, layerLps);
172         }
173         layerLps.add(linguisticProcessor);
174         return linguisticProcessor;
175     }
177     public void addLinguisticProcessors(Map<String, List<LinguisticProcessor>> lps) {
178         for (Map.Entry<String, List<LinguisticProcessor>> entry : lps.entrySet()) {
179             List<LinguisticProcessor> layerLps = entry.getValue();
180             for (LinguisticProcessor lp : layerLps) {
181                 LinguisticProcessor newLp = this.addLinguisticProcessor(entry.getKey(), lp.name);
182                 if (lp.hasTimestamp()) {
183                     newLp.setTimestamp(lp.getTimestamp());
184                 }
185                 if (lp.hasBeginTimestamp()) {
186                     newLp.setBeginTimestamp(lp.getBeginTimestamp());
187                 }
188                 if (lp.hasEndTimestamp()) {
189                     newLp.setEndTimestamp(lp.getEndTimestamp());
190                 }
191                 if (lp.hasVersion()) {
192                     newLp.setVersion(lp.getVersion());
193                 }
194             }
195         }
196     }
198     /**
199      * Returns a hash of linguistic processors from the document.
200      * Hash: layer => LP
201      */
202     public Map<String, List<LinguisticProcessor>> getLinguisticProcessors() {
203         return lps;
204     }
206     /**
207      * Returns wether the given linguistic processor is already defined or not. Both name and version must be exactly the same.
208      */
209     public boolean linguisticProcessorExists(String layer, String name, String version) {
210         List<LinguisticProcessor> layerLPs = lps.get(layer);
211         if (layerLPs == null) {
212             return false;
213         }
214         for (LinguisticProcessor lp : layerLPs) {
215             if (lp.version == null) {
216                 return false;
217             }
218             else if (lp.name.equals(name) && lp.version.equals(version)) {
219                 return true;
220             }
221         }
222         return false;
223     }
225     /**
226      * Returns wether the given linguistic processor is already defined or not. Both name and version must be exactly the same.
227      */
228     public boolean linguisticProcessorExists(String layer, String name) {
229         List<LinguisticProcessor> layerLPs = lps.get(layer);
230         if (layerLPs == null) {
231             return false;
232         }
233         for (LinguisticProcessor lp : layerLPs) {
234             if (lp.version != null) {
235                 return false;
236             }
237             else if (lp.name.equals(name)) {
238                 return true;
239             }
240         }
241         return false;
242     }
244     public FileDesc createFileDesc() {
245         this.fileDesc = new FileDesc();
246         return this.fileDesc;
247     }
249     public FileDesc getFileDesc() {
250         return this.fileDesc;
251     }
253     public Public createPublic() {
254         this._public = new Public();
255         return this._public;
256     }
258     public Public getPublic() {
259         return this._public;
260     }
262     /**
263      * Returns the annotation container used by this object
264      */
265     AnnotationContainer getAnnotationContainer() {
266         return annotationContainer;
267     }
269     /**
270      * Set raw text *
271      */
272     public void setRawText(String rawText) {
273         annotationContainer.setRawText(rawText);
274     }
276     /**
277      * Creates a WF object to load an existing word form. It receives the ID as an argument. The WF is added to the document object.
278      *
279      * @param id   word form's ID.
280      * @param form text of the word form itself.
281      * @return a new word form.
282      */
283     public WF newWF(String id, String form, int sent) {
284         idManager.wfs.update(id);
285         WF newWF = new WF(this.annotationContainer, id, form, sent);
286         annotationContainer.add(newWF);
287         return newWF;
288     }
290     /**
291      * Creates a new WF object. It assigns an appropriate ID to it and it also assigns offset and length
292      * attributes. The WF is added to the document object.
293      *
294      * @param form text of the word form itself.
295      * @return a new word form.
296      */
297     public WF newWF(String form, int offset) {
298         String newId = idManager.wfs.getNext();
299         int offsetVal = offset;
300         WF newWF = new WF(this.annotationContainer, newId, form, 0);
301         newWF.setOffset(offsetVal);
302         newWF.setLength(form.length());
303         annotationContainer.add(newWF);
304         return newWF;
305     }
307     /**
308      * Creates a new WF object. It assigns an appropriate ID to it.  The WF is added to the document object.
309      *
310      * @param form text of the word form itself.
311      * @return a new word form.
312      */
313     public WF newWF(String form, int offset, int sent) {
314         String newId = idManager.wfs.getNext();
315         WF newWF = new WF(this.annotationContainer, newId, form, sent);
316         newWF.setOffset(offset);
317         newWF.setLength(form.length());
318         annotationContainer.add(newWF);
319         return newWF;
320     }
322     /**
323      * Creates a Term object to load an existing term. It receives the ID as an argument. The Term is added to the document object.
324      *
325      * @param id    term's ID.
326      * @param type  type of term. There are two types of term: open and close.
327      * @param lemma the lemma of the term.
328      * @param pos   part of speech of the term.
329      * @param wfs   the list of word forms this term is formed by.
330      * @return a new term.
331      */
332     public Term newTerm(String id, Span<WF> span) {
333         idManager.terms.update(id);
334         Term newTerm = new Term(id, span, false);
335         annotationContainer.add(newTerm);
336         return newTerm;
337     }
339     public Term newTerm(String id, Span<WF> span, boolean isComponent) {
340         idManager.terms.update(id);
341         Term newTerm = new Term(id, span, isComponent);
342         if (!isComponent) {
343             annotationContainer.add(newTerm);
344         }
345         return newTerm;
346     }
348     public Term newTerm(String id, Span<WF> span, Integer position) {
349         idManager.terms.update(id);
350         Term newTerm = new Term(id, span, false);
351         annotationContainer.add(newTerm, position);
352         return newTerm;
353     }
355     /**
356      * Creates a new Term. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. The Term is added to the document object.
357      *
358      * @param type  the type of the term. There are two types of term: open and close.
359      * @param lemma the lemma of the term.
360      * @param pos   part of speech of the term.
361      * @param wfs   the list of word forms this term is formed by.
362      * @return a new term.
363      */
364     public Term newTerm(Span<WF> span) {
365         String newId = idManager.terms.getNext();
366         Term newTerm = new Term(newId, span, false);
367         annotationContainer.add(newTerm);
368         return newTerm;
369     }
371     /**
372      * Creates a new Term. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. The Term is added to the document object.
373      *
374      * @param type  the type of the term. There are two types of term: open and close.
375      * @param lemma the lemma of the term.
376      * @param pos   part of speech of the term.
377      * @param wfs   the list of word forms this term is formed by.
378      * @return a new term.
379      */
380     public Term newTermOptions(String morphofeat, Span<WF> span) {
381         String newId = idManager.terms.getNext();
382         Term newTerm = new Term(newId, span, false);
383         newTerm.setMorphofeat(morphofeat);
384         annotationContainer.add(newTerm);
385         return newTerm;
386     }
388     public Term newCompound(List<Term> terms, String lemma) {
389         Span<WF> span = new Span<WF>();
390         for (Term term : terms) {
391             span.addTargets(term.getSpan().getTargets());
392         }
393         String newId = idManager.mws.getNext();
394         Term compound = newTerm(newId, span, annotationContainer.termPosition(terms.get(0)));
395         compound.setLemma(lemma);
396         for (Term term : terms) {
397             compound.addComponent(term);
398             term.setCompound(compound);
399             this.annotationContainer.remove(term);
400         }
401         return compound;
402     }
404     /**
405      * Creates a Sentiment object.
406      *
407      * @return a new sentiment.
408      */
409     public Term.Sentiment newSentiment() {
410         Term.Sentiment newSentiment = new Term.Sentiment();
411         return newSentiment;
412     }
414     public Mark newMark(String id, String source, Span<Term> span) {
415         idManager.marks.update(id);
416         Mark newMark = new Mark(id, span);
417         annotationContainer.add(newMark, source);
418         return newMark;
419     }
421     public Mark newMark(String source, Span<Term> span) {
422         String newId = idManager.marks.getNext();
423         Mark newMark = new Mark(newId, span);
424         annotationContainer.add(newMark, source);
425         return newMark;
426     }
428     /**
429      * Creates a new dependency. The Dep is added to the document object.
430      *
431      * @param from  the origin term of the dependency.
432      * @param to    the target term of the dependency.
433      * @param rfunc relational function of the dependency.
434      * @return a new dependency.
435      */
436     public Dep newDep(Term from, Term to, String rfunc) {
437         Dep newDep = new Dep(from, to, rfunc);
438         annotationContainer.add(newDep);
439         return newDep;
440     }
442     /**
443      * Creates a chunk object to load an existing chunk. It receives it's ID as an argument. The Chunk is added to the document object.
444      *
445      * @param id     chunk's ID.
446      * @param head   the chunk head.
447      * @param phrase type of the phrase.
448      * @param terms  the list of the terms in the chunk.
449      * @return a new chunk.
450      */
451     public Chunk newChunk(String id, String phrase, Span<Term> span) {
452         idManager.chunks.update(id);
453         Chunk newChunk = new Chunk(id, span);
454         newChunk.setPhrase(phrase);
455         annotationContainer.add(newChunk);
456         return newChunk;
457     }
459     /**
460      * Creates a new chunk. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. The Chunk is added to the document object.
461      *
462      * @param head   the chunk head.
463      * @param phrase type of the phrase.
464      * @param terms  the list of the terms in the chunk.
465      * @return a new chunk.
466      */
467     public Chunk newChunk(String phrase, Span<Term> span) {
468         String newId = idManager.chunks.getNext();
469         Chunk newChunk = new Chunk(newId, span);
470         newChunk.setPhrase(phrase);
471         annotationContainer.add(newChunk);
472         return newChunk;
473     }
475     /**
476      * Creates an Entity object to load an existing entity. It receives the ID as an argument. The entity is added to the document object.
477      *
478      * @param id         the ID of the named entity.
479      * @param type       entity type. 8 values are posible: Person, Organization, Location, Date, Time, Money, Percent, Misc.
480      * @param references it contains one or more span elements. A span can be used to reference the different occurrences of the same named entity in the document. If the entity is composed by multiple words, multiple target elements are used.
481      * @return a new named entity.
482      */
483     public Entity newEntity(String id, List<Span<Term>> references) {
484         idManager.entities.update(id);
485         Entity newEntity = new Entity(id, references);
486         annotationContainer.add(newEntity);
487         return newEntity;
488     }
490     /**
491      * Creates a new Entity. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. The entity is added to the document object.
492      *
493      * @param type       entity type. 8 values are posible: Person, Organization, Location, Date, Time, Money, Percent, Misc.
494      * @param references it contains one or more span elements. A span can be used to reference the different occurrences of the same named entity in the document. If the entity is composed by multiple words, multiple target elements are used.
495      * @return a new named entity.
496      */
497     public Entity newEntity(List<Span<Term>> references) {
498         String newId = idManager.entities.getNext();
499         Entity newEntity = new Entity(newId, references);
500         annotationContainer.add(newEntity);
501         return newEntity;
502     }
504     /**
505      * Creates a coreference object to load an existing Coref. It receives it's ID as an argument. The Coref is added to the document.
506      *
507      * @param id         the ID of the coreference.
508      * @param references different mentions (list of targets) to the same entity.
509      * @return a new coreference.
510      */
511     public Coref newCoref(String id, List<Span<Term>> mentions) {
512         idManager.corefs.update(id);
513         Coref newCoref = new Coref(id, mentions);
514         annotationContainer.add(newCoref);
515         return newCoref;
516     }
518     /**
519      * Creates a new coreference. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. The Coref is added to the document.
520      *
521      * @param references different mentions (list of targets) to the same entity.
522      * @return a new coreference.
523      */
524     public Coref newCoref(List<Span<Term>> mentions) {
525         String newId = idManager.corefs.getNext();
526         Coref newCoref = new Coref(newId, mentions);
527         annotationContainer.add(newCoref);
528         return newCoref;
529     }
531     /**
532      * Creates a timeExpressions object to load an existing Timex3. It receives it's ID as an argument. The Timex3 is added to the document.
533      *
534      * @param id         the ID of the coreference.
535      * @param references different mentions (list of targets) to the same entity.
536      * @return a new timex3.
537      */
538     public Timex3 newTimex3(String id, Span<WF> mentions, String type) {
539         idManager.timex3s.update(id);
540         Timex3 newTimex3 = new Timex3(id, type);
541 		newTimex3.setSpan(mentions);
542         annotationContainer.add(newTimex3);
543         return newTimex3;
544     }
546     /**
547      * Creates a new timeExpressions. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. The Coref is added to the document.
548      *
549      * @param references different mentions (list of targets) to the same entity.
550      * @return a new timex3.
551      */
552     public Timex3 newTimex3(Span<WF> mentions, String type) {
553         String newId = idManager.timex3s.getNext();
554         Timex3 newTimex3 = new Timex3(newId, type);
555 		newTimex3.setSpan(mentions);
556         annotationContainer.add(newTimex3);
557         return newTimex3;
558     }
560 	/** Creates a timeExpressions object to load an existing Timex3. It receives it's ID as an argument. The Timex3 is added to the document.
561 	 * @param id the ID of the coreference.
562 	 * @param references different mentions (list of targets) to the same entity.
563 	 * @return a new timex3.
564 	 */
565 	public Timex3 newTimex3(String id, String type) {
566 		idManager.timex3s.update(id);
567 		Timex3 newTimex3 = new Timex3(id, type);
568 		annotationContainer.add(newTimex3);
569 		return newTimex3;
570 	}
572 	/** Creates a new timeExpressions. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. The Coref is added to the document.
573 	 * @param references different mentions (list of targets) to the same entity.
574 	 * @return a new timex3.
575 	 */
576 	public Timex3 newTimex3(String type) {
577 		String newId = idManager.timex3s.getNext();
578 		Timex3 newTimex3 = new Timex3(newId, type);
579 		annotationContainer.add(newTimex3);
580 		return newTimex3;
581 	}
583 	public TLink newTLink(String id, TLinkReferable from, TLinkReferable to, String relType) {
584 		idManager.tlinks.update(id);
585 		TLink newTLink = new TLink(id, from, to, relType);
586 		annotationContainer.add(newTLink);
587 		return newTLink;
588 	}
590 	public TLink newTLink(TLinkReferable from, TLinkReferable to, String relType) {
591 		String newId = idManager.tlinks.getNext();
592 		TLink newTLink = new TLink(newId, from, to, relType);
593 		annotationContainer.add(newTLink);
594 		return newTLink;
595 	}
597 	public CLink newCLink(String id, Predicate from, Predicate to) {
598 		idManager.clinks.update(id);
599 		CLink newCLink = new CLink(id, from, to);
600 		annotationContainer.add(newCLink);
601 		return newCLink;
602 	}
604 	public CLink newCLink(Predicate from, Predicate to) {
605 		String newId = idManager.clinks.getNext();
606 		CLink newCLink = new CLink(newId, from, to);
607 		annotationContainer.add(newCLink);
608 		return newCLink;
609 	}
612 	/**
613      * Creates a factualitylayer object and add it to the document
614      *
615      * @param term the Term of the coreference.
616      * @return a new factuality.
617      */
618     public Factuality newFactuality(Term term) {
619         Factuality factuality = new Factuality(term);
620         annotationContainer.add(factuality);
621         return factuality;
622     }
624     /**
625      * Creates a LinkedEntity object and add it to the document, using the supplied ID.
626      *
627      * @param id the entity ID
628      * @param term the Term of the coreference
629      * @return a new factuality
630      */
631     public LinkedEntity newLinkedEntity(String id, Span<WF> span) {
632         LinkedEntity linkedEntity = new LinkedEntity(id, span);
633         annotationContainer.add(linkedEntity);
634         return linkedEntity;
635     }
637     /**
638      * Creates a LinkedEntity object and add it to the document
639      *
640      * @param term the Term of the coreference.
641      * @return a new factuality.
642      */
643     public LinkedEntity newLinkedEntity(Span<WF> span) {
644         String newId = idManager.linkedentities.getNext();
645         LinkedEntity linkedEntity = new LinkedEntity(newId, span);
646         annotationContainer.add(linkedEntity);
647         return linkedEntity;
648     }
650     /**
651      * Creates a SSTspan object and add it to the document
652      *
653      * @param term the Term of the coreference.
654      * @return a new factuality.
655      */
656     public SSTspan newSST(Span<Term> span) {
657         String newId = idManager.ssts.getNext();
658         SSTspan sst = new SSTspan(newId, span);
659         annotationContainer.add(sst);
660         return sst;
661     }
663     public SSTspan newSST(Span<Term> span, String type, String label) {
664         String newId = idManager.ssts.getNext();
665         SSTspan sst = new SSTspan(newId, span);
666         sst.setLabel(label);
667         sst.setType(type);
668         annotationContainer.add(sst);
669         return sst;
670     }
672     /**
673      * Creates a Topic object and add it to the document
674      *
675      * @param term the Term of the coreference.
676      * @return a new factuality.
677      */
678     public Topic newTopic() {
679         String newId = idManager.topics.getNext();
680         Topic t = new Topic(newId);
681         annotationContainer.add(t);
682         return t;
683     }
685     public Topic newTopic(String label, float probability) {
686         String newId = idManager.topics.getNext();
687         Topic t = new Topic(newId);
688         t.setLabel(label);
689         t.setProbability(probability);
690         annotationContainer.add(t);
691         return t;
692     }
694     /**
695      * Creates a new property. It receives it's ID as an argument. The property is added to the document.
696      *
697      * @param id         the ID of the property.
698      * @param lemma      the lemma of the property.
699      * @param references different mentions (list of targets) to the same property.
700      * @return a new coreference.
701      */
702     public Feature newProperty(String id, String lemma, List<Span<Term>> references) {
703         idManager.properties.update(id);
704         Feature newProperty = new Feature(id, lemma, references);
705         annotationContainer.add(newProperty);
706         return newProperty;
707     }
709     /**
710      * Creates a new property. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. The property is added to the document.
711      *
712      * @param lemma      the lemma of the property.
713      * @param references different mentions (list of targets) to the same property.
714      * @return a new coreference.
715      */
716     public Feature newProperty(String lemma, List<Span<Term>> references) {
717         String newId = idManager.properties.getNext();
718         Feature newProperty = new Feature(newId, lemma, references);
719         annotationContainer.add(newProperty);
720         return newProperty;
721     }
723     /**
724      * Creates a new category. It receives it's ID as an argument. The category is added to the document.
725      *
726      * @param id         the ID of the category.
727      * @param lemma      the lemma of the category.
728      * @param references different mentions (list of targets) to the same category.
729      * @return a new coreference.
730      */
731     public Feature newCategory(String id, String lemma, List<Span<Term>> references) {
732         idManager.categories.update(id);
733         Feature newCategory = new Feature(id, lemma, references);
734         annotationContainer.add(newCategory);
735         return newCategory;
736     }
738     /**
739      * Creates a new category. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. The category is added to the document.
740      *
741      * @param lemma      the lemma of the category.
742      * @param references different mentions (list of targets) to the same category.
743      * @return a new coreference.
744      */
745     public Feature newCategory(String lemma, List<Span<Term>> references) {
746         String newId = idManager.categories.getNext();
747         Feature newCategory = new Feature(newId, lemma, references);
748         annotationContainer.add(newCategory);
749         return newCategory;
750     }
752     /**
753      * Creates a new opinion object. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. The opinion is added to the document.
754      *
755      * @return a new opinion.
756      */
757     public Opinion newOpinion() {
758         String newId = idManager.opinions.getNext();
759         Opinion newOpinion = new Opinion(newId);
760         annotationContainer.add(newOpinion);
761         return newOpinion;
762     }
764     /**
765      * Creates a new opinion object. It receives its ID as an argument. The opinion is added to the document.
766      *
767      * @return a new opinion.
768      */
769     public Opinion newOpinion(String id) {
770         idManager.opinions.update(id);
771         Opinion newOpinion = new Opinion(id);
772         annotationContainer.add(newOpinion);
773         return newOpinion;
774     }
776     /**
777      * Creates a new relation between entities and/or sentiment features. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. The relation is added to the document.
778      *
779      * @param from source of the relation
780      * @param to   target of the relation
781      * @return a new relation
782      */
783     public Relation newRelation(Relational from, Relational to) {
784         String newId = idManager.relations.getNext();
785         Relation newRelation = new Relation(newId, from, to);
786         annotationContainer.add(newRelation);
787         return newRelation;
788     }
790     /**
791      * Creates a new relation between entities and/or sentiment features. It receives its ID as an argument. The relation is added to the document.
792      *
793      * @param id   the ID of the relation
794      * @param from source of the relation
795      * @param to   target of the relation
796      * @return a new relation
797      */
798     public Relation newRelation(String id, Relational from, Relational to) {
799         idManager.relations.update(id);
800         Relation newRelation = new Relation(id, from, to);
801         annotationContainer.add(newRelation);
802         return newRelation;
803     }
805     /**
806      * Creates a new srl predicate. It receives its ID as an argument. The predicate is added to the document.
807      *
808      * @param id   the ID of the predicate
809      * @param span span containing the targets of the predicate
810      * @return a new predicate
811      */
812     public Predicate newPredicate(String id, Span<Term> span) {
813         idManager.predicates.update(id);
814         Predicate newPredicate = new Predicate(id, span);
815         annotationContainer.add(newPredicate);
816         return newPredicate;
817     }
819     /**
820      * Creates a new srl predicate. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. The predicate is added to the document.
821      *
822      * @param span span containing all the targets of the predicate
823      * @return a new predicate
824      */
825     public Predicate newPredicate(Span<Term> span) {
826         String newId = idManager.predicates.getNext();
827         Predicate newPredicate = new Predicate(newId, span);
828         annotationContainer.add(newPredicate);
829         return newPredicate;
830     }
832     /**
833      * Creates a Role object to load an existing role. It receives the ID as an argument. It doesn't add the role to the predicate.
834      *
835      * @param id        role's ID.
836      * @param predicate the predicate which this role is part of
837      * @param semRole   semantic role
838      * @param span      span containing all the targets of the role
839      * @return a new role.
840      */
841     public Predicate.Role newRole(String id, Predicate predicate, String semRole, Span<Term> span) {
842         idManager.roles.update(id);
843         Predicate.Role newRole = new Predicate.Role(id, semRole, span);
844         return newRole;
845     }
847     /**
848      * Creates a new Role object. It assigns an appropriate ID to it. It uses the ID of the predicate to create a new ID for the role. It doesn't add the role to the predicate.
849      *
850      * @param predicate the predicate which this role is part of
851      * @param semRole   semantic role
852      * @param span      span containing all the targets of the role
853      * @return a new role.
854      */
855     public Predicate.Role newRole(Predicate predicate, String semRole, Span<Term> span) {
856         String newId = idManager.roles.getNext();
857         Predicate.Role newRole = new Predicate.Role(newId, semRole, span);
858         return newRole;
859     }
861     /**
862      * Creates a new external reference.
863      *
864      * @param resource  indicates the identifier of the resource referred to.
865      * @param reference code of the referred element.
866      * @return a new external reference object.
867      */
868     public ExternalRef newExternalRef(String resource, String reference) {
869         return new ExternalRef(resource, reference);
870     }
872 	public Tree newConstituent(TreeNode root) {
873 		return newConstituent(root, null);
874 	}
876 	public Tree newConstituent(TreeNode root, Integer sentence) {
877 		Tree tree = new Tree(root, sentence);
878 		annotationContainer.add(tree, sentence);
879 		return tree;
880 	}
882 	public void addConstituencyString(String constituencyString, Integer sent) {
883 		annotationContainer.add(constituencyString, sent);
884 	}
886 	public void addConstituencyFromParentheses(String parseOut) throws Exception {
887 		addConstituencyFromParentheses(parseOut, null);
888 	}
890 	public void addConstituencyFromParentheses(String parseOut, Integer sentence) throws Exception {
891 		Tree.parenthesesToKaf(parseOut, this, sentence);
892 	}
894     public NonTerminal newNonTerminal(String id, String label) {
895         NonTerminal tn = new NonTerminal(id, label);
896         String newEdgeId = idManager.edges.getNext();
897         tn.setEdgeId(newEdgeId);
898         return tn;
899     }
901     public NonTerminal newNonTerminal(String label) {
902         String newId = idManager.nonterminals.getNext();
903         String newEdgeId = idManager.edges.getNext();
904         NonTerminal newNonterminal = new NonTerminal(newId, label);
905         newNonterminal.setEdgeId(newEdgeId);
906         return newNonterminal;
907     }
909     public Terminal newTerminal(String id, Span<Term> span) {
910         Terminal tn = new Terminal(id, span);
911         String newEdgeId = idManager.edges.getNext();
912         tn.setEdgeId(newEdgeId);
913         return tn;
914     }
916     public Terminal newTerminal(Span<Term> span) {
917         String newId = idManager.terminals.getNext();
918         String newEdgeId = idManager.edges.getNext();
919         Terminal tn = new Terminal(newId, span);
920         tn.setEdgeId(newEdgeId);
921         return tn;
922     }
924     public static Span<WF> newWFSpan() {
925         return new Span<WF>();
926     }
928     public static Span<WF> newWFSpan(List<WF> targets) {
929         return new Span<WF>(targets);
930     }
932     public static Span<WF> newWFSpan(List<WF> targets, WF head) {
933         return new Span<WF>(targets, head);
934     }
936     public static Span<Term> newTermSpan() {
937         return new Span<Term>();
938     }
940     public static Span<Term> newTermSpan(List<Term> targets) {
941         return new Span<Term>(targets);
942     }
944     public static Span<Term> newTermSpan(List<Term> targets, Term head) {
945         return new Span<Term>(targets, head);
946     }
948     void addUnknownLayer(Element layer) {
949         annotationContainer.add(layer);
950     }
952     /**
953      * Returns the raw text *
954      */
955     public String getRawText() {
956         return annotationContainer.getRawText();
957     }
959     /**
960      * Returns a list containing all WFs in the document
961      */
962     public List<WF> getWFs() {
963         return annotationContainer.getText();
964     }
966     /**
967      * Returns a list with all sentences. Each sentence is a list of WFs.
968      */
969     public List<List<WF>> getSentences() {
970         return annotationContainer.getSentences();
971     }
973     public Integer getFirstSentence() {
974         return annotationContainer.getText().get(0).getSent();
975     }
977     public Integer getNumSentences() {
978         List<WF> wfs = annotationContainer.getText();
979         Integer firstSentence = wfs.get(0).getSent();
980         Integer lastSentence = wfs.get(wfs.size() - 1).getSent();
981         return lastSentence - firstSentence + 1;
982     }
984     public List<Integer> getSentsByParagraph(Integer para) {
985         if (this.annotationContainer.sentsIndexedByParagraphs.get(para) == null) {
986             System.out.println(para + ": 0");
987         }
988         return new ArrayList<Integer>(this.annotationContainer.sentsIndexedByParagraphs.get(para));
989     }
991     public Integer getFirstParagraph() {
992         return this.annotationContainer.getText().get(0).getPara();
993     }
995     public Integer getNumParagraphs() {
996         return this.annotationContainer.sentsIndexedByParagraphs.keySet().size();
997     }
999     /**
1000      * Returns a list with all terms in the document.
1001      */
1002     public List<Term> getTerms() {
1003         return annotationContainer.getTerms();
1004     }
1006     /**
1007      * Returns a list of terms containing the word forms given on argument.
1008      *
1009      * @param wfs a list of word forms whose terms will be found.
1010      * @return a list of terms containing the given word forms.
1011      */
1012     public List<Term> getTermsByWFs(List<WF> wfs) {
1013         return annotationContainer.getTermsByWFs(wfs);
1014     }
1016     public List<Term> getSentenceTerms(int sent) {
1017         return annotationContainer.getSentenceTerms(sent);
1018     }
1020     public List<String> getMarkSources() {
1021         return annotationContainer.getMarkSources();
1022     }
1024     public List<Mark> getMarks(String source) {
1025         return annotationContainer.getMarks(source);
1026     }
1028     public List<Dep> getDeps() {
1029         return annotationContainer.getDeps();
1030     }
1032     public List<Chunk> getChunks() {
1033         return annotationContainer.getChunks();
1034     }
1036 	public List<LinkedEntity> getLinkedEntities() {
1037 		return annotationContainer.getLinkedEntities();
1038 	}
1040     /**
1041      * Returns a list with all entities in the document
1042      */
1043     public List<Entity> getEntities() {
1044         return annotationContainer.getEntities();
1045     }
1047     public List<Coref> getCorefs() {
1048         return annotationContainer.getCorefs();
1049     }
1051     public List<Timex3> getTimeExs() {
1052         return annotationContainer.getTimeExs();
1053     }
1055 	public List<TLink> getTLinks() {
1056 		return annotationContainer.getTLinks();
1057 	}
1059 	public List<CLink> getCLinks() {
1060 		return annotationContainer.getCLinks();
1061 	}
1063 	/**
1064      * Returns a list with all relations in the document
1065      */
1066     public List<Feature> getProperties() {
1067         return annotationContainer.getProperties();
1068     }
1070     /**
1071      * Returns a list with all relations in the document
1072      */
1073     public List<Feature> getCategories() {
1074         return annotationContainer.getCategories();
1075     }
1077     public List<Opinion> getOpinions() {
1078         return annotationContainer.getOpinions();
1079     }
1081     public List<Opinion> getOpinions(String label) {
1082         final List<Opinion> opinions = new ArrayList<Opinion>();
1083         for (final Opinion opinion : annotationContainer.getOpinions()) {
1084             if (Objects.equals(opinion.getLabel(), label)) {
1085                 opinions.add(opinion);
1086             }
1087         }
1088         return opinions;
1089     }
1091     /**
1092      * Returns a list with all relations in the document
1093      */
1094     public List<Relation> getRelations() {
1095         return annotationContainer.getRelations();
1096     }
1098     public List<Tree> getConstituents() {
1099         return annotationContainer.getConstituents();
1100     }
1102     public List<Element> getUnknownLayers() {
1103         return annotationContainer.getUnknownLayers();
1104     }
1106     public List<WF> getWFsBySent(Integer sent) {
1107         List<WF> wfs = this.annotationContainer.textIndexedBySent.get(sent);
1108         return (wfs == null) ? new ArrayList<WF>() : wfs;
1109     }
1111     public List<WF> getWFsByPara(Integer para) {
1112         return this.annotationContainer.getLayerByPara(para, this.annotationContainer.textIndexedBySent);
1113     }
1115     public List<Term> getTermsBySent(Integer sent) {
1116         List<Term> terms = this.annotationContainer.termsIndexedBySent.get(sent);
1117         return (terms == null) ? new ArrayList<Term>() : terms;
1118     }
1120     public List<Term> getTermsByPara(Integer para) {
1121         return this.annotationContainer.getLayerByPara(para, this.annotationContainer.termsIndexedBySent);
1122     }
1124     public List<Entity> getEntitiesBySent(Integer sent) {
1125         List<Entity> entities = this.annotationContainer.entitiesIndexedBySent.get(sent);
1126         return (entities == null) ? new ArrayList<Entity>() : entities;
1127     }
1129     public List<Entity> getEntitiesByPara(Integer para) {
1130         return this.annotationContainer.getLayerByPara(para, this.annotationContainer.entitiesIndexedBySent);
1131     }
1133     public List<Dep> getDepsBySent(Integer sent) {
1134         return this.annotationContainer.depsIndexedBySent.get(sent);
1135     }
1137     public List<Dep> getDepsByPara(Integer para) {
1138         return this.annotationContainer.getLayerByPara(para, this.annotationContainer.depsIndexedBySent);
1139     }
1141     public List<Chunk> getChunksBySent(Integer sent) {
1142         return this.annotationContainer.chunksIndexedBySent.get(sent);
1143     }
1145     public List<Chunk> getChunksByPara(Integer para) {
1146         return this.annotationContainer.getLayerByPara(para, this.annotationContainer.chunksIndexedBySent);
1147     }
1149     public List<Predicate> getPredicatesBySent(Integer sent) {
1150         List<Predicate> result = this.annotationContainer.predicatesIndexedBySent.get(sent);
1151         return result != null ? result : Collections.<Predicate>emptyList();
1152     }
1154     public List<Predicate> getPredicatesByPara(Integer para) {
1155         return this.annotationContainer.getLayerByPara(para, this.annotationContainer.predicatesIndexedBySent);
1156     }
1158 	public List<Tree> getConstituentsBySent(Integer sent) {
1159 		Map<Integer, List<Tree>> typeTreeIndex = this.annotationContainer.treesIndexedBySent;
1160 		if (typeTreeIndex == null) {
1161 			return new ArrayList<Tree>();
1162 		}
1163 		List<Tree> typeTrees = typeTreeIndex.get(sent);
1164 		return (typeTrees == null) ? new ArrayList<Tree>() : typeTrees;
1165 	}
1168 	/**
1169      * Copies the annotations to another KAF document
1170      */
1171     private void copyAnnotationsToKAF(KAFDocument kaf,
1172                                       List<WF> wfs,
1173                                       List<Term> terms,
1174                                       List<Dep> deps,
1175                                       List<Chunk> chunks,
1176                                       List<Entity> entities,
1177                                       List<Coref> corefs,
1178                                       List<Timex3> timeExs,
1179                                       List<Feature> properties,
1180                                       List<Feature> categories,
1181                                       List<Opinion> opinions,
1182                                       List<Relation> relations,
1183                                       List<Predicate> predicates
1184     ) {
1185         HashMap<String, WF> copiedWFs = new HashMap<String, WF>();
1186         HashMap<String, Term> copiedTerms = new HashMap<String, Term>();
1187         HashMap<String, Relational> copiedRelationals = new HashMap<String, Relational>();
1189         // WFs
1190         for (WF wf : wfs) {
1191             WF wfCopy = new WF(wf, kaf.getAnnotationContainer());
1192             kaf.insertWF(wfCopy);
1193             copiedWFs.put(wf.getId(), wfCopy);
1194         }
1195         // Terms
1196         for (Term term : terms) {
1197             Term termCopy = new Term(term, copiedWFs);
1198             kaf.insertTerm(termCopy);
1199             copiedTerms.put(term.getId(), termCopy);
1200         }
1201         // Deps
1202         for (Dep dep : deps) {
1203             Dep depCopy = new Dep(dep, copiedTerms);
1204             kaf.insertDep(depCopy);
1205         }
1206         // Chunks
1207         for (Chunk chunk : chunks) {
1208             Chunk chunkCopy = new Chunk(chunk, copiedTerms);
1209             kaf.insertChunk(chunkCopy);
1210         }
1211         // Entities
1212         for (Entity entity : entities) {
1213             Entity entityCopy = new Entity(entity, copiedTerms);
1214             kaf.insertEntity(entityCopy);
1215             copiedRelationals.put(entity.getId(), entityCopy);
1216         }
1217         // Coreferences
1218         for (Coref coref : corefs) {
1219             Coref corefCopy = new Coref(coref, copiedTerms);
1220             kaf.insertCoref(corefCopy);
1221         }
1222         // TimeExpressions
1223 //        for (Timex3 timex3 : timeExs) {
1224 //            Timex3 timex3Copy = new Timex3(timex3, copiedWFs);
1225 //            kaf.insertTimex3(timex3Copy);
1226 //        }
1227         // Properties
1228         for (Feature property : properties) {
1229             Feature propertyCopy = new Feature(property, copiedTerms);
1230             kaf.insertProperty(propertyCopy);
1231             copiedRelationals.put(property.getId(), propertyCopy);
1232         }
1233         // Categories
1234         for (Feature category : categories) {
1235             Feature categoryCopy = new Feature(category, copiedTerms);
1236             kaf.insertCategory(categoryCopy);
1237             copiedRelationals.put(category.getId(), categoryCopy);
1238         }
1239         // Opinions
1240         for (Opinion opinion : opinions) {
1241             Opinion opinionCopy = new Opinion(opinion, copiedTerms);
1242             kaf.insertOpinion(opinionCopy);
1243         }
1244         // Relations
1245         for (Relation relation : relations) {
1246             Relation relationCopy = new Relation(relation, copiedRelationals);
1247             kaf.insertRelation(relationCopy);
1248         }
1249         // Predicates
1250     /*
1251     for (Predicate predicate : predicates) {
1252         Predicate predicateCopy = new Predicate(predicate, copiedTerms);
1253         kaf.insertPredicate(predicateCopy);
1254     }
1255     */
1256     }
1262 	/**
1263 	 * Returns a new document containing all annotations related to the given WFs
1264 	 */
1265 	/* Couldn't index opinion by terms. Terms are added after the Opinion object is created, and there's no way to access the annotationContainer from the Opinion.*/
1266 	public KAFDocument split(List<WF> wfs) {
1267 		List<Term> terms = this.annotationContainer.getTermsByWFs(wfs);
1268 		List<Dep> deps = this.annotationContainer.getDepsByTerms(terms);
1269 		List<Chunk> chunks = this.annotationContainer.getChunksByTerms(terms);
1270 		List<Entity> entities = this.annotationContainer.getEntitiesByTerms(terms);
1271 		List<Coref> corefs = this.annotationContainer.getCorefsByTerms(terms);
1272 		List<Timex3> timeExs = this.annotationContainer.getTimeExsByWFs(wfs);
1273 		List<Feature> properties = this.annotationContainer.getPropertiesByTerms(terms);
1274 		List<Feature> categories = this.annotationContainer.getCategoriesByTerms(terms);
1275 		// List<Opinion> opinions = this.annotationContainer.getOpinionsByTerms(terms);
1276 		List<Predicate> predicates = this.annotationContainer.getPredicatesByTerms(terms);
1277 		List<Relational> relationals = new ArrayList<Relational>();
1278 		relationals.addAll(properties);
1279 		relationals.addAll(categories);
1280 		relationals.addAll(entities);
1281 		List<Relation> relations = this.annotationContainer.getRelationsByRelationals(relationals);
1283 		KAFDocument newKaf = new KAFDocument(this.getLang(), this.getVersion());
1284 		newKaf.addLinguisticProcessors(this.getLinguisticProcessors());
1285 		this.copyAnnotationsToKAF(newKaf, wfs, terms, deps, chunks, entities, corefs, timeExs, properties, categories, new ArrayList<Opinion>(), relations, predicates);
1287 		return newKaf;
1288 	}
1290 	/**
1291 	 * Joins the document with another one. *
1292 	 */
1293 	public void join(KAFDocument doc) {
1294 		HashMap<String, WF> copiedWFs = new HashMap<String, WF>(); // hash[old_id => new_WF_obj]
1295 		HashMap<String, Term> copiedTerms = new HashMap<String, Term>(); // hash[old_id => new_Term_obj]
1296 		HashMap<String, Relational> copiedRelationals = new HashMap<String, Relational>();
1297 		// Linguistic processors
1298 		Map<String, List<LinguisticProcessor>> lps = doc.getLinguisticProcessors();
1299 		for (Map.Entry<String, List<LinguisticProcessor>> entry : lps.entrySet()) {
1300 			String layer = entry.getKey();
1301 			List<LinguisticProcessor> lpList = entry.getValue();
1302 			for (LinguisticProcessor lp : lpList) {
1303 				if (!this.linguisticProcessorExists(layer, lp.name, lp.version)) {
1304 					// Here it uses a deprecated method
1305 					this.addLinguisticProcessor(layer, lp.name, lp.timestamp, lp.version);
1306 				}
1307 			}
1308 		}
1309 		// WFs
1310 		for (WF wf : doc.getWFs()) {
1311 			WF wfCopy = new WF(wf, this.annotationContainer);
1312 			this.insertWF(wfCopy);
1313 			copiedWFs.put(wf.getId(), wfCopy);
1314 		}
1315 		// Terms
1316 		for (Term term : doc.getTerms()) {
1317 			Term termCopy = new Term(term, copiedWFs);
1318 			this.insertTerm(termCopy);
1319 			copiedTerms.put(term.getId(), termCopy);
1320 		}
1321 		// Deps
1322 		for (Dep dep : doc.getDeps()) {
1323 			Dep depCopy = new Dep(dep, copiedTerms);
1324 			this.insertDep(depCopy);
1325 		}
1326 		// Chunks
1327 		for (Chunk chunk : doc.getChunks()) {
1328 			Chunk chunkCopy = new Chunk(chunk, copiedTerms);
1329 			this.insertChunk(chunkCopy);
1330 		}
1331 		// Entities
1332 		for (Entity entity : doc.getEntities()) {
1333 			Entity entityCopy = new Entity(entity, copiedTerms);
1334 			this.insertEntity(entityCopy);
1335 			copiedRelationals.put(entity.getId(), entityCopy);
1336 		}
1337 		// Coreferences
1338 		for (Coref coref : doc.getCorefs()) {
1339 			Coref corefCopy = new Coref(coref, copiedTerms);
1340 			this.insertCoref(corefCopy);
1341 		}
1342 		// TimeExpressions
1343 //		for (Timex3 timex3 : doc.getTimeExs()) {
1344 //			Timex3 timex3Copy = new Timex3(timex3, copiedWFs);
1345 //			this.insertTimex3(timex3Copy);
1346 //		}
1347 		// Properties
1348 		for (Feature property : doc.getProperties()) {
1349 			Feature propertyCopy = new Feature(property, copiedTerms);
1350 			this.insertProperty(propertyCopy);
1351 			copiedRelationals.put(property.getId(), propertyCopy);
1352 		}
1353 		// Categories
1354 		for (Feature category : doc.getCategories()) {
1355 			Feature categoryCopy = new Feature(category, copiedTerms);
1356 			this.insertCategory(categoryCopy);
1357 			copiedRelationals.put(category.getId(), categoryCopy);
1358 		}
1359 		// Opinions
1360 		for (Opinion opinion : doc.getOpinions()) {
1361 			Opinion opinionCopy = new Opinion(opinion, copiedTerms);
1362 			this.insertOpinion(opinionCopy);
1363 		}
1364 		// Relations
1365 		for (Relation relation : doc.getRelations()) {
1366 			Relation relationCopy = new Relation(relation, copiedRelationals);
1367 			this.insertRelation(relationCopy);
1368 		}
1369 	}
1371 	public String insertWF(WF wf) {
1372 		String newId = idManager.wfs.getNext();
1373 		wf.setId(newId);
1374 		annotationContainer.add(wf);
1375 		return newId;
1376 	}
1378 	public String insertTerm(Term term) {
1379 		String newId = idManager.terms.getNext();
1380 		term.setId(newId);
1381 		annotationContainer.add(term);
1382 		return newId;
1383 	}
1385 	public void insertDep(Dep dep) {
1386 		annotationContainer.add(dep);
1387 	}
1389 	public String insertChunk(Chunk chunk) {
1390 		String newId = idManager.chunks.getNext();
1391 		chunk.setId(newId);
1392 		annotationContainer.add(chunk);
1393 		return newId;
1394 	}
1396 	public String insertEntity(Entity entity) {
1397 		String newId = idManager.entities.getNext();
1398 		entity.setId(newId);
1399 		annotationContainer.add(entity);
1400 		return newId;
1401 	}
1403 	public String insertCoref(Coref coref) {
1404 		String newId = idManager.corefs.getNext();
1405 		coref.setId(newId);
1406 		annotationContainer.add(coref);
1407 		return newId;
1408 	}
1410 	public String insertTimex3(Timex3 timex3) {
1411 		String newId = idManager.timex3s.getNext();
1412 		timex3.setId(newId);
1413 		annotationContainer.add(timex3);
1414 		return newId;
1415 	}
1417 	public String insertProperty(Feature property) {
1418 		String newId = idManager.properties.getNext();
1419 		property.setId(newId);
1420 		annotationContainer.add(property);
1421 		return newId;
1422 	}
1424 	public String insertCategory(Feature category) {
1425 		String newId = idManager.categories.getNext();
1426 		category.setId(newId);
1427 		annotationContainer.add(category);
1428 		return newId;
1429 	}
1431 	public String insertOpinion(Opinion opinion) {
1432 		String newId = idManager.opinions.getNext();
1433 		opinion.setId(newId);
1434 		annotationContainer.add(opinion);
1435 		return newId;
1436 	}
1438 	public String insertRelation(Relation relation) {
1439 		String newId = idManager.relations.getNext();
1440 		relation.setId(newId);
1441 		annotationContainer.add(relation);
1442 		return newId;
1443 	}
1445 	/**
1446 	 * Saves the KAF document to an XML file.
1447 	 *
1448 	 * @param filename name of the file in which the document will be saved.
1449 	 */
1450 	public void save(String filename) {
1451 		ReadWriteManager.save(this, filename);
1452 	}
1454 	/**
1455 	 * Saves the KAF document to an XML file.
1456 	 *
1457 	 * @param filename name of the file in which the document will be saved.
1458 	 */
1459 	public void save(File file) {
1460 		ReadWriteManager.save(this, file);
1461 	}
1463 	public String toString() {
1464 		return ReadWriteManager.kafToStr(this);
1465 	}
1466 	public String toJsonString() {
1467         Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
1468 		return gson.toJson(ReadWriteManager.KAFToJSON(this));
1469 	}
1471 	/**
1472 	 * Prints the document on standard output.
1473 	 */
1474 	public void print() {
1475 		ReadWriteManager.print(this);
1476 	}
1479 	/**************************/
1480 	/*** DEPRECATED METHODS ***/
1481 	/**************************/
1483 	/**
1484 	 * Deprecated
1485 	 */
1486 	public LinguisticProcessor addLinguisticProcessor(String layer, String name, String version) {
1487 		LinguisticProcessor lp = this.addLinguisticProcessor(layer, name);
1488 		lp.setVersion(version);
1489 		return lp;
1490 	}
1492 	/**
1493 	 * Deprecated
1494 	 */
1495 	public LinguisticProcessor addLinguisticProcessor(String layer, String name, String timestamp, String version) {
1496 		LinguisticProcessor lp = this.addLinguisticProcessor(layer, name);
1497 		lp.setTimestamp(timestamp);
1498 		lp.setVersion(version);
1499 		return lp;
1500 	}
1502 	/**
1503 	 * Deprecated
1504 	 */
1505 	public WF newWF(String id, String form) {
1506 		return this.newWF(id, form, 0);
1507 	}
1509 	/**
1510 	 * Deprecated
1511 	 */
1512 	public WF newWF(String form) {
1513 		return this.newWF(form, 0);
1514 	}
1516 	/**
1517 	 * Deprecated
1518 	 */
1519 	public WF createWF(String id, String form) {
1520 		return this.newWF(id, form, 0);
1521 	}
1523 	/**
1524 	 * Deprecated
1525 	 */
1526 	public WF createWF(String form) {
1527 		return this.newWF(form, 0);
1528 	}
1530 	/**
1531 	 * Deprecated
1532 	 */
1533 	public WF createWF(String form, int offset) {
1534 		return this.newWF(form, offset);
1535 	}
1537 	/**
1538 	 * Deprecated
1539 	 */
1540 	public Term newTerm(String id, String type, String lemma, String pos, Span<WF> span) {
1541 		Term term = newTerm(id, span);
1542 		term.setType(type);
1543 		term.setLemma(lemma);
1544 		term.setPos(pos);
1545 		return term;
1546 	}
1548 	/**
1549 	 * Deprecated
1550 	 */
1551 	public Term newTerm(String type, String lemma, String pos, Span<WF> span) {
1552 		Term term = newTerm(span);
1553 		term.setType(type);
1554 		term.setLemma(lemma);
1555 		term.setPos(pos);
1556 		return term;
1557 	}
1559 	/**
1560 	 * Deprecated
1561 	 */
1562 	public Term newTermOptions(String type, String lemma, String pos, String morphofeat, Span<WF> span) {
1563 		Term newTerm = newTermOptions(morphofeat, span);
1564 		newTerm.setType(type);
1565 		newTerm.setLemma(lemma);
1566 		newTerm.setPos(pos);
1567 		return newTerm;
1568 	}
1570 	/**
1571 	 * Deprecated
1572 	 */
1573 	public Term createTerm(String id, String type, String lemma, String pos, List<WF> wfs) {
1574 		return this.newTerm(id, type, lemma, pos, this.<WF>list2Span(wfs));
1575 	}
1577 	/**
1578 	 * Deprecated
1579 	 */
1580 	public Term createTerm(String type, String lemma, String pos, List<WF> wfs) {
1581 		return this.newTerm(type, lemma, pos, this.<WF>list2Span(wfs));
1582 	}
1584 	/**
1585 	 * Deprecated
1586 	 */
1587 	public Term createTermOptions(String type, String lemma, String pos, String morphofeat, List<WF> wfs) {
1588 		return this.newTermOptions(type, lemma, pos, morphofeat, this.<WF>list2Span(wfs));
1589 	}
1591 	/**
1592 	 * Deprecated
1593 	 */
1594 	public Term.Sentiment createSentiment() {
1595 		return this.newSentiment();
1596 	}
1598 	/** Deprecated */
1600     /*
1601     public Component newComponent(String id, Term term, String lemma, String pos) {
1602     Component newComponent = this.newComponent(id, term);
1603     newComponent.setLemma(lemma);
1604     newComponent.setPos(pos);
1605     return newComponent;
1606     }
1607     */
1609     /** Deprecated */
1611     /*public Component newComponent(Term term, String lemma, String pos) {
1612     Term.Component newComponent = this.newComponent(term);
1613     newComponent.setLemma(lemma);
1614     newComponent.setPos(pos);
1615     return newComponent;
1616     }
1617     */
1619     /** Deprecated */
1620     /*
1621     public Component createComponent(String id, Term term, String lemma, String pos) {
1622     return this.newComponent(id, term, lemma, pos);
1623     }
1624     */
1626     /** Deprecated */
1627     /*
1628       public Component createComponent(Term term, String lemma, String pos) {
1629     return this.newComponent(term, lemma, pos);
1630     }
1631     */
1633     /**
1634      * Deprecated
1635      */
1636     public Dep createDep(Term from, Term to, String rfunc) {
1637         return this.createDep(from, to, rfunc);
1638     }
1640     /**
1641      * Deprecated
1642      */
1643     public Chunk createChunk(String id, Term head, String phrase, List<Term> terms) {
1644         return this.newChunk(id, phrase, this.<Term>list2Span(terms, head));
1645     }
1647     /**
1648      * Deprecated
1649      */
1650     public Chunk createChunk(Term head, String phrase, List<Term> terms) {
1651         return this.newChunk(phrase, this.<Term>list2Span(terms, head));
1652     }
1654     /**
1655      * Deprecated
1656      */
1657     public Entity createEntity(String id, String type, List<List<Term>> references) {
1658         List<Span<Term>> spanReferences = new ArrayList<Span<Term>>();
1659         for (List<Term> list : references) {
1660             spanReferences.add(this.list2Span(list));
1661         }
1662         Entity entity = this.newEntity(id, spanReferences);
1663         entity.setType(type);
1664         return entity;
1665     }
1667     /**
1668      * Deprecated
1669      */
1670     public Entity createEntity(String type, List<List<Term>> references) {
1671         List<Span<Term>> spanReferences = new ArrayList<Span<Term>>();
1672         for (List<Term> list : references) {
1673             spanReferences.add(this.list2Span(list));
1674         }
1675         Entity entity = this.newEntity(spanReferences);
1676         entity.setType(type);
1677         return entity;
1678     }
1680     /**
1681      * Deprecated
1682      */
1683     public Coref createCoref(String id, List<List<Target>> references) {
1684         List<Span<Term>> spanReferences = new ArrayList<Span<Term>>();
1685         for (List<Target> list : references) {
1686             spanReferences.add(this.targetList2Span(list));
1687         }
1688         return this.newCoref(id, spanReferences);
1689     }
1691     /**
1692      * Deprecated
1693      */
1694     public Coref createCoref(List<List<Target>> references) {
1695         List<Span<Term>> spanReferences = new ArrayList<Span<Term>>();
1696         for (List<Target> list : references) {
1697             spanReferences.add(this.targetList2Span(list));
1698         }
1699         return this.newCoref(spanReferences);
1700     }
1702     /**
1703      * Deprecated
1704      */
1705     public Feature createProperty(String id, String lemma, List<List<Term>> references) {
1706         List<Span<Term>> spanReferences = new ArrayList<Span<Term>>();
1707         for (List<Term> list : references) {
1708             spanReferences.add(this.list2Span(list));
1709         }
1710         return this.newProperty(id, lemma, spanReferences);
1711     }
1713     /**
1714      * Deprecated
1715      */
1716     public Feature createProperty(String lemma, List<List<Term>> references) {
1717         List<Span<Term>> spanReferences = new ArrayList<Span<Term>>();
1718         for (List<Term> list : references) {
1719             spanReferences.add(this.list2Span(list));
1720         }
1721         return this.newProperty(lemma, spanReferences);
1722     }
1724     /**
1725      * Deprecated
1726      */
1727     public Feature createCategory(String id, String lemma, List<List<Term>> references) {
1728         List<Span<Term>> spanReferences = new ArrayList<Span<Term>>();
1729         for (List<Term> list : references) {
1730             spanReferences.add(this.list2Span(list));
1731         }
1732         return this.newCategory(id, lemma, spanReferences);
1733     }
1735     /**
1736      * Deprecated
1737      */
1738     public Feature createCategory(String lemma, List<List<Term>> references) {
1739         List<Span<Term>> spanReferences = new ArrayList<Span<Term>>();
1740         for (List<Term> list : references) {
1741             spanReferences.add(this.list2Span(list));
1742         }
1743         return this.newCategory(lemma, spanReferences);
1744     }
1746     /**
1747      * Deprecated
1748      */
1749     public Opinion createOpinion() {
1750         return this.newOpinion();
1751     }
1753     /**
1754      * Deprecated
1755      */
1756     public Opinion createOpinion(String id) {
1757         return this.newOpinion(id);
1758     }
1760     /**
1761      * Deprecated
1762      */
1763     public Relation createRelation(Relational from, Relational to) {
1764         return this.newRelation(from, to);
1765     }
1767     /**
1768      * Deprecated
1769      */
1770     public Relation createRelation(String id, Relational from, Relational to) {
1771         return this.newRelation(id, from, to);
1772     }
1774     /**
1775      * Deprecated
1776      */
1777     public ExternalRef createExternalRef(String resource, String reference) {
1778         return this.newExternalRef(resource, reference);
1779     }
1781     /**
1782      * Deprecated. Creates a new target. This method is overloaded. Any target created by calling this method won't be the head term.
1783      *
1784      * @param term target term.
1785      * @return a new target.
1786      */
1787     public static Target createTarget(Term term) {
1788         return new Target(term, false);
1789     }
1791     /**
1792      * Deprecated. Creates a new target. This method is overloaded. In this case, it receives a boolean argument which defines whether the target term is the head or not.
1793      *
1794      * @param term   target term.
1795      * @param isHead a boolean argument which defines whether the target term is the head or not.
1796      * @return a new target.
1797      */
1798     public static Target createTarget(Term term, boolean isHead) {
1799         return new Target(term, isHead);
1800     }
1802     public void removeLayer(Layer layer) {
1803         this.annotationContainer.removeLayer(layer);
1804     }
1806     public void removeAnnotations(Iterable<?> annotations) {
1807         for (Object annotation : annotations) {
1808             this.annotationContainer.removeAnnotation(annotation);
1809         }
1810     }
1812     public void removeAnnotation(Object annotation) {
1813         this.annotationContainer.removeAnnotation(annotation);
1814     }
1816     /**
1817      * Converts a List into a Span
1818      */
1819     static <T> Span<T> list2Span(List<T> list) {
1820         Span<T> span = new Span<T>();
1821         for (T elem : list) {
1822             span.addTarget(elem);
1823         }
1824         return span;
1825     }
1827     /**
1828      * Converts a List into a Span
1829      */
1830     static <T> Span<T> list2Span(List<T> list, T head) {
1831         Span<T> span = new Span<T>();
1832         for (T elem : list) {
1833             if (head == elem) {
1834                 span.addTarget(elem, true);
1835             }
1836             else {
1837                 span.addTarget(elem);
1838             }
1839         }
1840         return span;
1841     }
1843     /**
1844      * Converts a Target list into a Span of terms
1845      */
1846     static Span<Term> targetList2Span(List<Target> list) {
1847         Span<Term> span = new Span<Term>();
1848         for (Target target : list) {
1849             if (target.isHead()) {
1850                 span.addTarget(target.getTerm(), true);
1851             }
1852             else {
1853                 span.addTarget(target.getTerm());
1854             }
1855         }
1856         return span;
1857     }
1859     /**
1860      * Converts a Span into a Target list
1861      */
1862     static List<Target> span2TargetList(Span<Term> span) {
1863         List<Target> list = new ArrayList<Target>();
1864         for (Term t : span.getTargets()) {
1865             list.add(KAFDocument.createTarget(t, (t == span.getHead())));
1866         }
1867         return list;
1868     }
1870     /**
1871      * Deprecated. Returns a list of terms containing the word forms given on argument.
1872      *
1873      * @param wfIds a list of word form IDs whose terms will be found.
1874      * @return a list of terms containing the given word forms.
1875      */
1876     public List<Term> getTermsFromWFs(List<String> wfIds) {
1877         return annotationContainer.getTermsByWFIds(wfIds);
1878     }
1882     private static final Map<String, Character> DEP_PATH_CHARS = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Character>();
1884     private static final Map<String, Pattern> DEP_PATH_REGEXS = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Pattern>();
1886     private static char getDepPathChar(final String label) {
1887         final String key = label.toLowerCase();
1888         Character letter = DEP_PATH_CHARS.get(key);
1889         if (letter == null) {
1890             synchronized (DEP_PATH_CHARS) {
1891                 letter = DEP_PATH_CHARS.get(key);
1892                 if (letter == null) {
1893                     letter = 'a';
1894                     for (final Character ch : DEP_PATH_CHARS.values()) {
1895                         if (ch >= letter) {
1896                             letter = (char) (ch + 1);
1897                         }
1898                     }
1899                     DEP_PATH_CHARS.put(key, letter);
1900                 }
1901             }
1902         }
1903         return letter;
1904     }
1906     private static String getDepPathString(final Term from, final Iterable<Dep> path) {
1907         final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("_");
1908         Term term = from; // current node in the path
1909         for (final Dep dep : path) {
1910             char prefix;
1911             if (dep.getFrom() == term) {
1912                 prefix = '+';
1913                 term = dep.getTo();
1914             } else {
1915                 prefix = '-';
1916                 term = dep.getFrom();
1917             }
1918             for (final String label : dep.getRfunc().split("-")) {
1919                 final Character letter = getDepPathChar(label);
1920                 builder.append(prefix).append(letter);
1921             }
1922             builder.append("_");
1923         }
1924         return builder.toString();
1925     }
1927     private static Pattern getDepPathRegex(String pattern) {
1928         Pattern regex = DEP_PATH_REGEXS.get(pattern);
1929         if (regex == null) {
1930             synchronized (DEP_PATH_REGEXS) {
1931                 regex = DEP_PATH_REGEXS.get(pattern);
1932                 if (regex == null) {
1933                     final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
1934                     builder.append('_');
1935                     int start = -1;
1936                     String pattern2 = pattern + " ";
1937                     for (int i = 0; i < pattern2.length(); ++i) {
1938                         final char ch = pattern2.charAt(i);
1939                         if (Character.isLetter(ch) || ch == '-') {
1940                             if (start < 0) {
1941                                 start = i;
1942                             }
1943                         } else {
1944                             if (start >= 0) {
1945                                 final boolean inverse = pattern2.charAt(start) == '-';
1946                                 final String label = pattern2.substring(
1947                                         inverse ? start + 1 : start, i);
1948                                 final char letter = getDepPathChar(label);
1949                                 builder.append("([^_]*")
1950                                         .append(Pattern.quote((inverse ? "-" : "+") + letter))
1951                                         .append("[^_]*_)");
1952                                 start = -1;
1953                             }
1954                             if (!Character.isWhitespace(ch)) {
1955                                 builder.append(ch);
1956                             }
1957                         }
1958                     }
1959                     regex = Pattern.compile(builder.toString());
1960                     DEP_PATH_REGEXS.put(pattern, regex);
1961                 }
1962             }
1963         }
1964         return regex;
1965     }
1967     public boolean matchDepPath(final Term from, final Iterable<Dep> path, final String pattern) {
1968         final String pathString = getDepPathString(from, path);
1969         final Pattern pathRegex = getDepPathRegex(pattern);
1970         return pathRegex.matcher(pathString).matches();
1971     }
1973     public List<Dep> getDepPath(final Term from, final Term to) {
1974         if (from == to) {
1975             return Collections.emptyList();
1976         }
1977         final List<Dep> toPath = new ArrayList<Dep>();
1978         for (Dep dep = getDepToTerm(to); dep != null; dep = getDepToTerm(dep.getFrom())) {
1979             toPath.add(dep);
1980             if (dep.getFrom() == from) {
1981                 Collections.reverse(toPath);
1982                 return toPath;
1983             }
1984         }
1985         final List<Dep> fromPath = new ArrayList<Dep>();
1986         for (Dep dep = getDepToTerm(from); dep != null; dep = getDepToTerm(dep.getFrom())) {
1987             fromPath.add(dep);
1988             if (dep.getFrom() == to) {
1989                 return fromPath;
1990             }
1991             for (int i = 0; i < toPath.size(); ++i) {
1992                 if (dep.getFrom() == toPath.get(i).getFrom()) {
1993                     for (int j = i; j >= 0; --j) {
1994                         fromPath.add(toPath.get(j));
1995                     }
1996                     return fromPath;
1997                 }
1998             }
1999         }
2000         return null; // unconnected nodes
2001     }
2003     public Dep getDepToTerm(final Term term) {
2004         for (final Dep dep : getDepsByTerm(term)) {
2005             if (dep.getTo() == term) {
2006                 return dep;
2007             }
2008         }
2009         return null;
2010     }
2012     public List<Dep> getDepsFromTerm(final Term term) {
2013         final List<Dep> result = new ArrayList<Dep>();
2014         for (final Dep dep : getDepsByTerm(term)) {
2015             if (dep.getFrom() == term) {
2016                 result.add(dep);
2017             }
2018         }
2019         return result;
2020     }
2022     public List<Dep> getDepsByTerm(final Term term) {
2023         return this.annotationContainer.getDepsByTerm(term);
2024     }
2026     //todo adapt DEP (UD): check if rules for head are OK or have to be adapted
2027     public Term getTermsHead(final Iterable<Term> descendents) {
2028         final Set<Term> termSet = new HashSet<Term>();
2029         for (final Term term : descendents) {
2030             termSet.add(term);
2031         }
2032         Term root = null;
2033         for (final Term term : termSet) {
2034             final Dep dep = getDepToTerm(term);
2035             if (dep == null || !termSet.contains(dep.getFrom())) {
2036                 if (root == null) {
2037                     root = term;
2038                 } else if (root != term) {
2039                     return null;
2040                 }
2041             }
2042         }
2043         return root;
2044     }
2046     public Set<Term> getTermsByDepAncestors(final Iterable<Term> ancestors) {
2047         final Set<Term> terms = new HashSet<Term>();
2048         final List<Term> queue = new LinkedList<Term>();
2049         for (final Term term : ancestors) {
2050             terms.add(term);
2051             queue.add(term);
2052         }
2053         while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
2054             final Term term = queue.remove(0);
2055             final List<Dep> deps = getDepsByTerm(term);
2056             for (final Dep dep : deps) {
2057                 if (dep.getFrom() == term) {
2058                     if (terms.add(dep.getTo())) {
2059                         queue.add(dep.getTo());
2060                     }
2061                 }
2062             }
2063         }
2064         return terms;
2065     }
2067     public Set<Term> getTermsByDepAncestors(final Iterable<Term> ancestors, final String pattern) {
2068         final Set<Term> result = new HashSet<Term>();
2069         for (final Term term : ancestors) {
2070             for (final Term descendent : getTermsByDepAncestors(Collections.singleton(term))) {
2071                 final List<Dep> path = getDepPath(term, descendent);
2072                 if (matchDepPath(term, path, pattern)) {
2073                     result.add(descendent);
2074                 }
2075             }
2076         }
2077         return result;
2078     }
2080     public Set<Term> getTermsByDepDescendants(Iterable<Term> descendents) {
2081         final Set<Term> terms = new HashSet<Term>();
2082         final List<Term> queue = new LinkedList<Term>();
2083         for (final Term term : descendents) {
2084             terms.add(term);
2085             queue.add(term);
2086         }
2087         while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
2088             final Term term = queue.remove(0);
2089             final List<Dep> deps = getDepsByTerm(term);
2090             for (final Dep dep : deps) {
2091                 if (dep.getTo() == term) {
2092                     if (terms.add(dep.getFrom())) {
2093                         queue.add(dep.getFrom());
2094                     }
2095                 }
2096             }
2097         }
2098         return terms;
2099     }
2101     public Set<Term> getTermsByDepDescendants(Iterable<Term> descendents, String pattern) {
2102         Set<Term> result = new HashSet<Term>();
2103         for (final Term term : descendents) {
2104             for (final Term ancestor : getTermsByDepDescendants(Collections.singleton(term))) {
2105                 final List<Dep> path = getDepPath(term, ancestor);
2106                 if (matchDepPath(term, path, pattern)) {
2107                     result.add(ancestor);
2108                 }
2109             }
2110         }
2111         return result;
2112     }
2114     public List<Entity> getEntitiesByTerm(Term term) {
2115         return this.annotationContainer.getEntitiesByTerm(term);
2116     }
2119     public List<Predicate> getPredicates() {
2120         return this.annotationContainer.getPredicates();
2121     }
2123     public List<Predicate> getPredicatesByTerm(Term term) {
2124         return this.annotationContainer.getPredicatesByTerm(term);
2125     }
2127     public List<Coref> getCorefsByTerm(Term term) {
2128         return this.annotationContainer.getCorefsByTerm(term);
2129     }
2131     public List<Timex3> getTimeExsBySent(Integer sent) {
2132         List<Timex3> timexs = this.annotationContainer.timeExsIndexedBySent.get(sent);
2133         return (timexs == null) ? new ArrayList<Timex3>() : timexs;
2134     }
2136     public List<Timex3> getTimeExsByWF(final WF wf) {
2137         return this.annotationContainer.getTimeExsByWF(wf);
2138     }
2140     public List<Timex3> getTimeExsByTerm(final Term term) {
2141         final List<Timex3> result = new ArrayList<>();
2142         outer: for (final Timex3 timex : getTimeExs()) {
2143             if (timex.getSpan() != null) {
2144                 for (final WF wf : timex.getSpan().getTargets()) {
2145                     if (term.getWFs().contains(wf)) {
2146                         result.add(timex);
2147                         continue outer;
2148                     }
2149                 }
2150             }
2151         }
2152         return result;
2153     }
2155     public List<Factuality> getFactualities() {
2156         return annotationContainer.getFactualities();
2157     }
2159 	public static void main(String[] args) {
2160 		File file = new File(args[0]);
2162 		try {
2163 			KAFDocument document = KAFDocument.createFromFile(file);
2164 		} catch (Exception e) {
2165 			System.err.println(e.getMessage());
2166 		}
2167 	}
2168 }