1   package eu.fbk.dkm.pikes.naflib;
3   import java.io.IOException;
4   import java.util.Collections;
5   import java.util.List;
6   import java.util.Map;
7   import java.util.Set;
9   import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
10  import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
11  import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
12  import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
13  import com.google.common.collect.Ordering;
14  import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
16  import ixa.kaflib.Coref;
17  import ixa.kaflib.Dep;
18  import ixa.kaflib.Entity;
19  import ixa.kaflib.ExternalRef;
20  import ixa.kaflib.KAFDocument;
21  import ixa.kaflib.Predicate;
22  import ixa.kaflib.Predicate.Role;
23  import ixa.kaflib.Span;
24  import ixa.kaflib.Term;
25  import ixa.kaflib.WF;
27  public class NafRenderUtils {
29      public static void renderText(final Appendable out, final KAFDocument document,
30              final Iterable<Term> terms, final Iterable<Markable> markables) throws IOException {
32          final List<Term> termList = Ordering.from(Term.OFFSET_COMPARATOR).sortedCopy(terms);
33          final Set<Term> termSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(termList);
34          if (termList.isEmpty()) {
35              return;
36          }
38          final Markable[] markableIndex = indexMarkables(termList, markables);
40          final Map<Term, Set<Coref>> corefs = Maps.newHashMap();
41          for (final Coref coref : document.getCorefs()) {
42              for (final Span<Term> span : coref.getSpans()) {
43                  for (final Term term : span.getTargets()) {
44                      if (termSet.contains(term)) {
45                          Set<Coref> set = corefs.get(term);
46                          if (set == null) {
47                              set = Sets.newHashSet();
48                              corefs.put(term, set);
49                          }
50                          set.add(coref);
51                      }
52                  }
53              }
54          }
56          Markable markable = null;
58          int index = termList.get(0).getOffset();
59          final int end = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
61          List<Coref> lastCorefs = ImmutableList.of();
62          for (int i = 0; i < termList.size(); ++i) {
64              final Term term = termList.get(i);
65              final int termOffset = term.getOffset();
66              final int termLength = endOf(term) - termOffset;
67              final int termBegin = Math.max(termOffset, index);
68              final int termEnd = Math.min(termOffset + termLength, end);
69              final List<Coref> termCorefs = document.getCorefsByTerm(term);
71              if (termBegin > index) {
72                  final List<Coref> sameCorefs = Lists.newArrayList(lastCorefs);
73                  sameCorefs.retainAll(termCorefs);
74                  out.append(sameCorefs.isEmpty() ? " " : "<span class=\"txt_coref\"> </span>");
75              }
77              if (markable == null) {
78                  markable = markableIndex[i];
79                  if (markable != null) {
80                      out.append("<span style=\"background-color: ").append(markable.color)
81                              .append("\">");
82                  }
83              }
85              out.append("<span class=\"txt_term_tip");
86              for (final Coref coref : termCorefs) {
87                  if (coref.getSpans().size() > 1) {
88                      out.append(" txt_coref");
89                      break;
90                  }
91              }
92              out.append("\" title=\"");
93              emitTermTooltip(out, document, term);
94              out.append("\">");
95              out.append(term.getForm());
96              out.append("</span>");
98              if (markable != null && term == markable.terms.get(markable.terms.size() - 1)) {
99                  out.append("</span>");
100                 markable = null;
101             }
103             index = termEnd;
104             lastCorefs = termCorefs;
105         }
107         if (markable != null) {
108             out.append("</span>");
109         }
110     }
112     public static void renderParsing(final Appendable out, final KAFDocument document,
113             final int sentence, final boolean emitDependencies, final boolean emitSRL,
114             final Iterable<Markable> markables) throws IOException {
115         new ParsingRenderer(out, document, sentence).render(emitDependencies, emitSRL, markables);
116     }
118     private static void emitTermTooltip(final Appendable out, final KAFDocument document,
119             final Term term) throws IOException {
121         // Emit basic term-level information: ID, POS
122         out.append("<strong>Term ").append(term.getId()).append("</strong>");
123         if (term.getPos() != null && term.getMorphofeat() != null) {
124             out.append(": pos ").append(term.getPos()).append('/').append(term.getMorphofeat());
125         }
127         // Emit detailed term-level information: lemma, dep tree link, sst, synset, bbn, sumo
128         if (term.getLemma() != null) {
129             out.append(", lemma '").append(term.getLemma().replace("\"", "&quot;")).append("'");
130         }
132         final Dep dep = document.getDepToTerm(term);
133         if (dep != null) {
134             out.append(", ").append(dep.getRfunc()).append(" of '")
135                     .append(dep.getFrom().getForm().replace("\"", "&quot;")).append("' (")
136                     .append(dep.getFrom().getId()).append(")");
137         }
138         for (final ExternalRef ref : term.getExternalRefs()) {
139             out.append(", ").append(ref.getResource()).append(' ').append(ref.getReference());
140         }
142         // Emit predicate info, if available
143         final List<Predicate> predicates = document.getPredicatesByTerm(term);
144         if (!predicates.isEmpty()) {
145             final Predicate predicate = predicates.get(0);
146             out.append("<br/><b>Predicate ").append(predicate.getId()).append("</b>: sense ");
147             final boolean isNoun = term.getPos().toUpperCase().equals("N");
148             for (final ExternalRef ref : predicate.getExternalRefs()) {
149                 final String resource = ref.getResource().toLowerCase();
150                 if ("propbank".equals(resource) && !isNoun || "nombank".equals(resource) && isNoun) {
151                     out.append(ref.getReference());
152                     break;
153                 }
154             }
155         }
157         // Emit entity info, if available
158         final List<Entity> entities = document.getEntitiesByTerm(term);
159         if (!entities.isEmpty()) {
160             final Entity entity = entities.get(0);
161             out.append("<br/><b>Entity ").append(entity.getId()).append("</b>: type ")
162                     .append(entity.getType());
163             String separator = ", sense ";
164             for (final ExternalRef ref : entity.getExternalRefs()) {
165                 out.append(separator);
166                 try {
167                     String s = ref.getReference();
168                     if (s.startsWith("http://dbpedia.org/resource/")) {
169                         s = "dbpedia:" + ref.getReference().substring(28);
170                     }
171                     out.append(s);
172                 } catch (final Throwable ex) {
173                     out.append(ref.getReference());
174                 }
175                 separator = " ";
176             }
177         }
179         // Emit coref info, if available and enabled
180         for (final Coref coref : document.getCorefsByTerm(term)) {
181             if (coref.getSpans().size() > 1) {
182                 out.append("<br/><b>Coref ").append(coref.getId()).append("</b>: ");
183                 String separator = "";
184                 for (final Span<Term> span : coref.getSpans()) {
185                     out.append(separator);
186                     out.append(span.getTargets().get(0).getId());
187                     out.append(" '").append(span.getStr()).append("'");
188                     separator = ", ";
189                 }
190             }
191         }
192     }
194     private static Markable[] indexMarkables(final List<Term> terms,
195             final Iterable<Markable> markables) {
197         final Map<Term, Integer> termIndex = Maps.newHashMap();
198         for (int i = 0; i < terms.size(); ++i) {
199             termIndex.put(terms.get(i), i);
200         }
202         final Markable[] markableIndex = new Markable[terms.size()];
203         for (final Markable markable : markables) {
204             for (final Term term : markable.getTerms()) {
205                 final Integer index = termIndex.get(term);
206                 if (index != null) {
207                     markableIndex[index] = markable;
208                 }
209             }
210         }
212         return markableIndex;
213     }
215     private static int endOf(final Term term) {
216         final List<WF> wfs = term.getWFs();
217         final WF wf = wfs.get(wfs.size() - 1);
218         final String str = wf.getForm();
219         if (str.equals("-LSB-") || str.equals("-RSB-") || str.equals("''")) {
220             return wf.getOffset() + 1;
221         }
222         return wf.getOffset() + wf.getLength();
223     }
225     private static final class ParsingRenderer {
227         private final Appendable out;
229         private final KAFDocument document;
231         private final int sentence;
233         private final List<Term> terms;
235         private final List<Dep> deps;
237         private final Map<Term, Integer> indexes;
239         ParsingRenderer(final Appendable out, final KAFDocument document, final int sentence) {
240             this.out = out;
241             this.document = document;
242             this.sentence = sentence;
243             this.terms = document.getTermsBySent(sentence);
244             this.deps = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(this.terms.size());
245             this.indexes = Maps.newIdentityHashMap();
246             for (int index = 0; index < this.terms.size(); ++index) {
247                 final Term term = this.terms.get(index);
248                 this.deps.add(document.getDepToTerm(term));
249                 this.indexes.put(term, index);
250             }
251         }
253         void render(final boolean emitDependencies, final boolean emitSRL,
254                 final Iterable<Markable> markables) throws IOException {
256             this.out.append("<table class=\"txt\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n");
258             if (emitDependencies) {
259                 renderDependencies();
260             }
262             renderTerms(markables);
264             if (emitSRL) {
265                 renderSRL();
266             }
268             this.out.append("</table>\n");
269         }
271         private void renderDependencies() throws IOException {
273             // every term is mapped to 4 consecutive horizontal cells
274             // - line between cells 0 and 1 (left vertical) is used for outgoing leftward edges
275             // - line between cells 1 and 2 (center vertical) is used for incoming edge
276             // - line between cells 2 and 3 (right vertical) is used for outgoing rightward edges
277             // three arrays are used to control the rendering of these lines; they are initialized
278             // to consider the dependency roots, then they are progressively filled
279             final boolean[] leftVerticalLines = new boolean[this.terms.size()];
280             final boolean[] centerVerticalLines = new boolean[this.terms.size()];
281             final boolean[] rightVerticalLines = new boolean[this.terms.size()];
282             for (int i = 0; i < this.terms.size(); ++i) {
283                 if (this.deps.get(i) == null) {
284                     centerVerticalLines[this.indexes.get(this.terms.get(i))] = true;
285                 }
286             }
288             // allocate the dependency arcs to table rows and render each of them
289             final List<List<Term>> rows = computeDependencyRows();
290             for (int j = 0; j < rows.size(); ++j) {
291                 final List<Term> row = rows.get(j);
293                 // open the table row
294                 this.out.append("<tr class=\"txt_dep\">\n");
296                 // label array: i-th element contains label of edge from/to element i (with other
297                 // endpoint j > i)
298                 final String[] labels = new String[this.terms.size()];
300                 // update arrays for labels and vertical lines
301                 for (final Term term : row) {
302                     final int termIndex = this.indexes.get(term);
303                     final Dep termDep = this.deps.get(termIndex);
304                     final Term parent = termDep == null ? term : termDep.getFrom();
305                     final int parentIndex = this.indexes.get(parent);
306                     final String label = termDep == null ? "" : termDep.getRfunc().toLowerCase();
307                     centerVerticalLines[termIndex] = true;
308                     if (termIndex < parentIndex) { // term <-- parent (right to left)
309                         leftVerticalLines[parentIndex] = true;
310                         labels[termIndex] = label;
311                     } else if (termIndex > parentIndex) { // parent --> term (left to right)
312                         rightVerticalLines[parentIndex] = true;
313                         labels[parentIndex] = label;
314                     }
315                 }
317                 // generate the table row, by emitting TDs (spanning multiple cells) each
318                 // corresponding to a blank space or to an horizontal, labelled dep edge
319                 String label = null;
320                 boolean arrow = false;
321                 int start = 0;
322                 int end = 0;
323                 for (int i = 0; i < this.terms.size(); ++i) {
324                     ++end;
325                     if (leftVerticalLines[i]) {
326                         renderDependencyCell(start, end, label, arrow);
327                         start = end;
328                         label = null;
329                         arrow = false;
330                     }
331                     ++end;
332                     if (centerVerticalLines[i]) {
333                         renderDependencyCell(start, end, label, arrow);
334                         start = end;
335                         label = rightVerticalLines[i] ? null : labels[i];
336                         arrow = j == rows.size() - 1;
337                     }
338                     ++end;
339                     if (rightVerticalLines[i]) {
340                         renderDependencyCell(start, end, label, arrow);
341                         start = end;
342                         label = labels[i];
343                         arrow = false;
344                     }
345                     ++end;
346                 }
347                 renderDependencyCell(start, end, null, arrow); // emit remaining blank TD
349                 // close the table row
350                 this.out.append("</tr>\n");
351             }
353             // emit a final row to extend the vertical edges departing from terms
354             this.out.append("<tr>\n");
355             for (int i = 0; i < this.terms.size(); ++i) {
356                 final boolean left = leftVerticalLines[i];
357                 final boolean right = rightVerticalLines[i];
358                 this.out.append("<td class=\"txt_dep_co").append(left ? " rb" : "")
359                         .append("\"></td>");
360                 this.out.append("<td class=\"txt_dep_ci").append(left ? " lb" : "")
361                         .append("\"></td>");
362                 this.out.append("<td class=\"txt_dep_ci").append(right ? " rb" : "")
363                         .append("\"></td>");
364                 this.out.append("<td class=\"txt_dep_co").append(right ? " lb" : "")
365                         .append("\"></td>\n");
366             }
367             this.out.append("</tr>\n");
368         }
370         private void renderDependencyCell(final int from, final int to, final String label,
371                 final boolean arrow) throws IOException {
373             // open table cell
374             this.out.append("<td class=\"");
376             // emit CSS classes for left, right and top borders
377             String separator = "";
378             if (from != 0) {
379                 this.out.append(separator).append("txt_lb");
380                 separator = " ";
381             }
382             if (to != 4 * this.terms.size()) {
383                 this.out.append(separator).append("txt_rb");
384                 separator = " ";
385             }
386             if (label != null) {
387                 this.out.append(separator).append("txt_tb");
388             }
389             this.out.append("\"");
391             // emit colspan attribute to control the length of the arc
392             if (to - from > 1) {
393                 this.out.append(" colspan=\"").append(Integer.toString(to - from)).append("\"");
394             }
396             // emit the cell content (i.e., the dependency labels, if any)
397             this.out.append("><div><span>") //
398                     .append(label != null ? label : "&nbsp;") //
399                     .append("</span></div>");
401             // emit the <div> displaying the downward arrow, if requested
402             if (arrow) {
403                 this.out.append("<div class=\"txt_ab\"></div>");
404             }
406             // close table cell
407             this.out.append("</td>\n");
408         }
410         private List<List<Term>> computeDependencyRows() {
412             // allocate a table for the result
413             final List<List<Term>> rows = Lists.newArrayList();
415             // start with all the terms, pick up the ones of the first row and then drop them and
416             // repeat for the second row and so on, until all terms (=edges) have been considered
417             final Set<Term> remaining = Sets.newHashSet(this.terms);
418             while (!remaining.isEmpty()) {
419                 final List<Term> candidates = ImmutableList.copyOf(remaining);
420                 final List<Term> row = Lists.newArrayList();
421                 rows.add(row);
423                 // consider each candidate term for inclusion in the row
424                 for (final Term t1 : candidates) {
426                     // retrieve dep parent, start / end indexes of the dep edge t1
427                     final int s1 = this.indexes.get(t1);
428                     final Dep dep1 = this.deps.get(s1);
429                     final Term p1 = dep1 == null ? t1 : dep1.getFrom();
430                     final int e1 = this.indexes.get(p1);
432                     // can emit t1 only if its edge does not contain (horizontally) the edge of
433                     // another candidate (in which case we pick up the other candidate)
434                     boolean canEmit = true;
435                     for (final Term t2 : candidates) {
436                         if (t2 != t1) { // don't compare t1 with itself
438                             // Retrieve dep parent, start / end indexes of dep edge t2
439                             final int s2 = this.indexes.get(t2);
440                             final Dep dep2 = this.deps.get(s2);
441                             final Term p2 = dep2 == null ? t2 : dep2.getFrom();
442                             final int e2 = this.indexes.get(p2);
444                             // Compare t1 and t2. If t1 would contain t2 (in the graph) drop it
445                             if (Math.min(s1, e1) <= Math.min(s2, e2)
446                                     && Math.max(s1, e1) >= Math.max(s2, e2)) {
447                                 canEmit = false;
448                                 break;
449                             }
450                         }
451                     }
453                     // emit t1 iff it satisfied all the tests. Do not consider it anymore
454                     if (canEmit) {
455                         row.add(t1);
456                         remaining.remove(t1);
457                     }
458                 }
459             }
461             // add an initial empty row with no dep edges (will only contain the vertical line to
462             // the dep root)
463             rows.add(ImmutableList.<Term>of());
465             // reverse the row so that the first one is the first to be emitted in the table
466             Collections.reverse(rows);
467             return rows;
468         }
470         private void renderTerms(final Iterable<Markable> markables) throws IOException {
472             final Markable[] markableIndex = indexMarkables(this.terms, markables);
474             // open the TR row
475             this.out.append("<tr class=\"txt_terms\">\n");
477             // emit the TD cells for each term, possibly adding entity / predicate highlighting
478             for (int i = 0; i < this.terms.size(); ++i) {
479                 final Term term = this.terms.get(i);
480                 this.out.append("<td colspan=\"4\"><div class=\"");
481                 final Markable markable = markableIndex[i];
482                 if (markable == null) {
483                     this.out.append("txt_term_c\">");
484                 } else {
485                     final boolean start = i == 0 || markable != markableIndex[i - 1];
486                     final boolean end = i == this.terms.size() - 1
487                             || markable != markableIndex[i + 1];
488                     this.out.append(start ? end ? "txt_term_lcr" : "txt_term_lc"
489                             : end ? "txt_term_cr" : "txt_term_c");
490                     this.out.append("\" style=\"background-color: ").append(markable.color)
491                             .append("\">");
492                 }
493                 this.out.append("<span class=\"txt_term_tip\" title=\"");
494                 emitTermTooltip(this.out, this.document, term);
495                 this.out.append("\">").append(term.getForm().replace(' ', '_')).append("</span>");
496                 this.out.append("</div></td>\n");
497             }
499             // close the TR row
500             this.out.append("</tr>\n");
501         }
503         private void renderSRL() throws IOException {
505             // retrieve all the predicate in the sentence
506             // final List<Predicate> predicates =
507             // this.document.getPredicatesBySent(this.sentence);
509             // retrieve all the SRL proposition in the sentence
510             final List<SRLElement> propositions = Lists.newArrayList();
511             for (final Predicate predicate : this.document.getPredicatesBySent(this.sentence)) {
512                 propositions.add(new SRLElement(null, predicate, true));
513             }
515             // allocate propositions to 'proposition' rows, each one reporting one or more
516             // predicates starting from the ones with smallest extent
517             for (final List<SRLElement> propositionRow : computeSRLRows(propositions)) {
519                 // emit a blank TR to visually separate predicate rows
520                 this.out.append("<tr class=\"txt_empty\"><td").append(" colspan=\"")
521                         .append(Integer.toString(4 * this.terms.size())).append("\"")
522                         .append("></td></tr>\n");
524                 // extract all the markables (Predicate/Role) allocated to the row
525                 final List<SRLElement> markables = Lists.newArrayList();
526                 for (final SRLElement proposition : propositionRow) {
527                     final Predicate predicate = (Predicate) proposition.element;
528                     markables.add(new SRLElement(proposition, predicate, false));
529                     for (final Role role : predicate.getRoles()) {
530                         markables.add(new SRLElement(proposition, role, false));
531                     }
532                 }
534                 // allocate the markables to concrete TR 'markable' rows, to account for markables
535                 // containing one each other; emit these rows one at a time
536                 for (final List<SRLElement> markableRow : computeSRLRows(markables)) {
538                     // open the TR row
539                     this.out.append("<tr class=\"txt_srl\">\n");
541                     // determine which cells in the TR row must have a left/right vertical line;
542                     // this is done w.r.t. the subset of predicates rendered in the TR row
543                     final boolean[] leftBorders = new boolean[this.terms.size()];
544                     final boolean[] rightBorders = new boolean[this.terms.size()];
545                     for (final SRLElement markable : markableRow) {
546                         final SRLElement proposition = markable.parent;
547                         final int s = this.indexes.get(proposition.terms.get(0));
548                         final int e = this.indexes.get(proposition.terms.get(proposition.terms
549                                 .size() - 1));
550                         leftBorders[s] = true;
551                         rightBorders[e] = true;
552                         if (s > 0) {
553                             rightBorders[s - 1] = true;
554                         }
555                         if (e < this.terms.size() - 1) {
556                             leftBorders[e + 1] = true;
557                         }
558                     }
560                     // associate each term=cell to the markable it possibly represent
561                     final SRLElement[] cells = new SRLElement[this.terms.size()];
562                     for (final SRLElement markable : markableRow) {
563                         for (final Term term : markable.terms) {
564                             cells[this.indexes.get(term)] = markable;
565                         }
566                     }
568                     // emit the cells of the TR row, each one being blank or corresponding to a
569                     // predicate or argument; this is done by scanning terms from left to right
570                     int start = 0;
571                     int end = start + 1;
572                     while (start < this.terms.size()) {
574                         // determine where to end the current TD cell
575                         final SRLElement markable = cells[start];
576                         while (end < this.terms.size() && cells[end] == markable
577                                 && !leftBorders[end]) {
578                             ++end;
579                         }
581                         // open the TD cell, emitting CSS classes for left/right borders
582                         final boolean lb = leftBorders[start]; // left border
583                         final boolean rb = rightBorders[end - 1]; // right border
584                         this.out.append("<td colspan=\"")
585                                 .append(Integer.toString(4 * (end - start)))
586                                 .append("\"")
587                                 .append(lb ? rb ? "class=\"txt_lb txt_rb\"" : "class=\"txt_lb\""
588                                         : rb ? "class=\"txt_rb\"" : "") //
589                                 .append(">");
591                         // emit the predicate/argument for the current cell, if any
592                         if (markable != null) {
593                             this.out.append("<div>");
594                             final Object element = markable.element;
595                             if (element instanceof Predicate) {
596                                 final Predicate predicate = (Predicate) element;
597                                 final String res = predicate.getTerms().get(0).getPos()
598                                         .equalsIgnoreCase("V") ? "propbank" : "nombank";
599                                 String roleset = null;
600                                 for (final ExternalRef ref : predicate.getExternalRefs()) {
601                                     if (res.equalsIgnoreCase(ref.getResource())) {
602                                         if (ref.getSource() != null) {
603                                             roleset = ref.getReference();
604                                             break;
605                                         } else if (roleset == null) {
606                                             roleset = ref.getReference();
607                                         }
608                                     }
609                                 }
610                                 if (roleset != null) {
611                                     this.out.append(roleset);
612                                 }
613                             } else {
614                                 this.out.append(((Role) element).getSemRole());
615                             }
616                             this.out.append("</div>");
617                         }
619                         // close the TD cell
620                         this.out.append("</td>\n");
622                         // update start/end indexes
623                         start = end;
624                         ++end;
625                     }
627                     // close the TR row
628                     this.out.append("</tr>\n");
629                 }
630             }
631         }
633         private List<List<SRLElement>> computeSRLRows(final Iterable<SRLElement> elements) {
635             // allocate the resulting row list
636             final List<List<SRLElement>> rows = Lists.newArrayList();
638             // select a non-overlapping subset of supplied elements to form the first row, then
639             // discard them and repeat to form next rows, until all elements have been allocated
640             final Set<SRLElement> remaining = Sets.newHashSet(elements);
641             while (!remaining.isEmpty()) {
643                 // allocate a new table row
644                 final List<SRLElement> row = Lists.newArrayList();
645                 rows.add(row);
647                 // rank the remaining elements in order of increasing (# terms) length
648                 final List<SRLElement> ranking = Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(remaining);
650                 // try to add as many remaining elements from the ranking, ensuring there are no
651                 // overlappings in the added ones; we use the ranking as an heuristic that should
652                 // lead to a 'good' selection (no optimality guarantee, whatever optimality means)
653                 for (final SRLElement candidate : ranking) {
655                     // check for overlapping with already chosen elements in the current rows
656                     boolean canEmit = true;
657                     for (final SRLElement element : row) {
658                         if (candidate.overlaps(element)) {
659                             canEmit = false;
660                             break;
661                         }
662                     }
664                     // add the element upon success, and do not consider it anymore
665                     if (canEmit) {
666                         row.add(candidate);
667                         remaining.remove(candidate);
668                     }
669                 }
670             }
671             return rows;
672         }
674     }
676     private static final class SRLElement implements Comparable<SRLElement> {
678         final SRLElement parent;
680         final Object element;
682         final List<Term> terms;
684         final int begin;
686         final int end;
688         SRLElement(final SRLElement parent, final Object element, final boolean useProposition) {
689             this.parent = parent;
690             this.element = element;
691             if (useProposition) {
692                 final Predicate predicate = (Predicate) element;
693                 final Set<Term> termSet = Sets.newHashSet();
694                 termSet.addAll(predicate.getTerms());
695                 for (final Role role : predicate.getRoles()) {
696                     termSet.addAll(role.getTerms());
697                 }
698                 this.terms = Ordering.from(Term.OFFSET_COMPARATOR).immutableSortedCopy(termSet);
699             } else if (element instanceof Predicate) {
700                 this.terms = ((Predicate) element).getTerms();
701             } else {
702                 this.terms = ((Role) element).getTerms();
703             }
704             this.begin = this.terms.get(0).getOffset();
705             this.end = endOf(this.terms.get(this.terms.size() - 1));
706         }
708         boolean overlaps(final SRLElement other) {
709             return this.end > other.begin && this.begin < other.end;
710         }
712         @Override
713         public int compareTo(final SRLElement other) {
714             int result = 0;
715             if (other != this) {
716                 result = this.terms.size() - other.terms.size();
717                 if (result == 0) {
718                     result = System.identityHashCode(this.element)
719                             - System.identityHashCode(other.element);
720                 }
721             }
722             return result;
723         }
725     }
727     public static final class Markable {
729         private final List<Term> terms;
731         private final String color;
733         public Markable(final Iterable<Term> terms, final String color) {
734             this.terms = ImmutableList.copyOf(terms);
735             this.color = color;
736         }
738         public List<Term> getTerms() {
739             return this.terms;
740         }
742         public String getColor() {
743             return this.color;
744         }
746     }
748 }