1   package eu.fbk.dkm.pikes.raid;
3   import com.github.mustachejava.DefaultMustacheFactory;
4   import com.github.mustachejava.Mustache;
5   import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
6   import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
7   import com.google.common.base.Splitter;
8   import com.google.common.base.Throwables;
9   import com.google.common.collect.*;
10  import com.google.common.io.Files;
11  import com.google.common.io.Resources;
12  import eu.fbk.dkm.pikes.naflib.Corpus;
13  import eu.fbk.dkm.pikes.naflib.OpinionPrecisionRecall;
14  import eu.fbk.dkm.pikes.rdf.RDFGenerator;
15  import eu.fbk.dkm.pikes.rdf.Renderer;
16  import eu.fbk.dkm.pikes.resources.NAFUtils;
17  import eu.fbk.dkm.pikes.resources.WordNet;
18  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.Statements;
19  import eu.fbk.utils.core.CommandLine;
20  import eu.fbk.utils.core.CommandLine.Type;
21  import eu.fbk.utils.core.Range;
22  import eu.fbk.utils.svm.Util;
23  import eu.fbk.dkm.pikes.rdf.vocab.KS_OLD;
24  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.IO;
25  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.QuadModel;
26  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.Tracker;
27  import ixa.kaflib.KAFDocument;
28  import ixa.kaflib.Opinion;
29  import ixa.kaflib.Opinion.Polarity;
30  import ixa.kaflib.Term;
31  import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Model;
32  import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI;
33  import org.slf4j.Logger;
34  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
36  import javax.annotation.Nullable;
37  import java.io.File;
38  import java.io.IOException;
39  import java.io.InputStreamReader;
40  import java.io.Writer;
41  import java.nio.file.Path;
42  import java.util.*;
43  import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
44  import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
45  import java.util.stream.StreamSupport;
47  public final class Analyzer {
49      private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Analyzer.class);
51      private static final Mustache INDEX_TEMPLATE = loadTemplate(Analyzer.class.getSimpleName()
52              + ".index.html");
54      private static final Mustache SENTENCE_TEMPLATE = loadTemplate(Analyzer.class.getSimpleName()
55              + ".sentence.html");
57      private final Set<String> goldLabels;
59      @Nullable
60      private final Set<String> testLabels;
62      @Nullable
63      private final Extractor extractor;
65      @Nullable
66      private final Path reportPath;
68      @Nullable
69      private final List<Map<String, Object>> reportModel;
71      @Nullable
72      private final Renderer reportRenderer;
74      private final Component[] components;
76      private final OpinionPrecisionRecall.Evaluator evaluator;
78      private final ReadWriteLock lock;
80      private Analyzer(final Iterable<String> goldLabels,
81              @Nullable final Iterable<String> testLabels, @Nullable final Extractor extractor,
82              @Nullable final Path reportPath, final Component... components) {
84          Preconditions.checkNotNull(goldLabels);
85          Preconditions.checkArgument(Iterables.size(goldLabels) > 0);
86          Preconditions.checkArgument(extractor != null || testLabels != null);
87          Preconditions.checkArgument(extractor == null || testLabels == null);
88          Preconditions.checkArgument(testLabels == null || Iterables.size(testLabels) > 0);
90          Renderer renderer = null;
91          if (reportPath != null) {
92              final List<IRI> nodeTypes = ImmutableList.<IRI>builder()
93                      .addAll(Renderer.DEFAULT_NODE_TYPES).add(KS_OLD.ATTRIBUTE).build();
94              final Map<Object, String> colorMap = ImmutableMap.<Object, String>builder()
95                      .putAll(Renderer.DEFAULT_COLOR_MAP).build();
96              final Map<Object, String> styleMap = ImmutableMap
97                      .<Object, String>builder()
98                      .putAll(Renderer.DEFAULT_STYLE_MAP)
99                      .put(KS_OLD.ATTRIBUTE, "fontname=\"helvetica-oblique\"")
100                     .put(KS_OLD.POSITIVE_OPINION, "fontcolor=green4 fontname=\"helvetica-bold\"")
101                     .put(Statements.VALUE_FACTORY.createIRI(KS_OLD.POSITIVE_OPINION + "-from"),
102                             "color=green4 fontcolor=green4 penwidth=0.5")
103                     .put(KS_OLD.NEGATIVE_OPINION, "fontcolor=red4 fontname=\"helvetica-bold\"")
104                     .put(Statements.VALUE_FACTORY.createIRI(KS_OLD.NEGATIVE_OPINION + "-from"),
105                             "color=red4 fontcolor=red4 penwidth=0.5")
106                     .put(KS_OLD.NEUTRAL_OPINION, "fontcolor=ivory4 fontname=\"helvetica-bold\" ")
107                     .put(Statements.VALUE_FACTORY.createIRI(KS_OLD.NEUTRAL_OPINION + "-from"),
108                             "color=ivory4 fontcolor=ivory4 penwidth=0.5").build();
109             renderer = Renderer.builder().withNodeTypes(nodeTypes).withColorMap(colorMap)
110                     .withStyleMap(styleMap).withNodeNamespaces(ImmutableSet.of()).build();
111         }
113         this.goldLabels = Sets.newHashSet(goldLabels);
114         this.testLabels = testLabels == null ? null : Sets.newHashSet(testLabels);
115         this.extractor = extractor;
116         this.reportPath = reportPath;
117         this.reportModel = reportPath == null ? null : Lists.newArrayList();
118         this.reportRenderer = renderer;
119         this.components = ImmutableSet.copyOf(components).toArray(new Component[0]);
120         this.evaluator = OpinionPrecisionRecall.evaluator();
121         this.lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
122     }
124     public Analyzer add(final KAFDocument document) {
126         this.lock.readLock().lock();
127         try {
128             synchronized (document) {
129                 doAdd(document);
130             }
131         } finally {
132             this.lock.readLock().unlock();
133         }
134         return this;
135     }
137     public Analyzer add(final Iterable<KAFDocument> documents) {
139         this.lock.readLock().lock();
140         try {
141             StreamSupport.stream(documents.spliterator(), true).forEach(document -> {
142                 Preconditions.checkNotNull(document);
143                 synchronized (document) {
144                     doAdd(document);
145                 }
146             });
147         } finally {
148             this.lock.readLock().unlock();
149         }
150         return this;
151     }
153     public OpinionPrecisionRecall complete() {
155         this.lock.writeLock().lock();
156         try {
157             return doComplete();
158         } finally {
159             this.lock.writeLock().unlock();
160         }
161     }
163     private synchronized void doAdd(final KAFDocument document) {
165         // Retrieve gold opinions from the NAF
166         final List<Opinion> goldOpinions = Lists.newArrayList();
167         for (final String label : this.goldLabels) {
168             goldOpinions.addAll(document.getOpinions(label));
169         }
171         // Retrieve test opinions, either from the NAF or by running the Extractor
172         final List<Opinion> testOpinions;
173         if (this.extractor != null) {
174             if (this.components.length == Component.values().length) {
175                 this.extractor.extract(document, "_test", this.components);
176             } else {
177                 this.extractor.refine(document, this.goldLabels, "_test", this.components);
178             }
179             testOpinions = document.getOpinions("_test");
180         } else {
181             testOpinions = Lists.newArrayList();
182             for (final String label : this.testLabels) {
183                 testOpinions.addAll(document.getOpinions(label));
184             }
185         }
187         // Keep only selected components of the opinions
188         // Component.retain(goldOpinions, this.components);
189         // Component.retain(testOpinions, this.components);
191         // Update the evaluation results
192         this.evaluator.add(goldOpinions, testOpinions);
194         // Update the report, if enabled
195         if (this.reportPath != null) {
196             final Multimap<Integer, Opinion> goldMap = toMultimap(goldOpinions);
197             final Multimap<Integer, Opinion> testMap = toMultimap(testOpinions);
198             for (int sentenceID = 1; sentenceID <= document.getNumSentences(); ++sentenceID) {
199                 if (goldMap.containsKey(sentenceID) || testMap.containsKey(sentenceID)) {
200                     final String file = new File(document.getPublic().publicId).getName() + "_"
201                             + sentenceID + ".html";
202                     final Model model = RDFGenerator.DEFAULT.generate(document,
203                             ImmutableList.of(sentenceID));
204                     final StringBuilder sentenceMarkup = new StringBuilder();
205                     final StringBuilder sentenceParsing = new StringBuilder();
206                     final StringBuilder sentenceGraph = new StringBuilder();
207                     try {
208                         renderOpinions(sentenceMarkup, document, sentenceID,
209                                 goldMap.get(sentenceID), testMap.get(sentenceID));
210                         this.reportRenderer.renderParsing(sentenceParsing, document, model,
211                                 sentenceID);
212                         this.reportRenderer.renderGraph(sentenceGraph, QuadModel.wrap(model),
213                                 Renderer.Algorithm.NEATO);
214                         runTemplate(this.reportPath.resolve(file).toFile(), SENTENCE_TEMPLATE,
215                                 ImmutableMap.of("markup", sentenceMarkup, "parsing",
216                                         sentenceParsing, "graph", sentenceGraph));
217                     } catch (final IOException ex) {
218                         Throwables.propagate(ex);
219                     }
220                     final Map<String, Object> sentenceModel = Maps.newHashMap();
221                     sentenceModel.put("file", file);
222                     sentenceModel.put("document", document.getPublic().publicId);
223                     sentenceModel.put("sentence", sentenceID);
224                     sentenceModel.put("markup", sentenceMarkup);
225                     synchronized (this.reportModel) {
226                         this.reportModel.add(sentenceModel);
227                     }
228                 }
229             }
230         }
231     }
233     private OpinionPrecisionRecall doComplete() {
235         // Complete reports, if enabled
236         if (this.reportPath != null) {
237             try {
238                 Collections.sort(this.reportModel, (final Map<String, Object> m1,
239                         final Map<String, Object> m2) -> {
240                     final String d1 = m1.get("document").toString();
241                     final String d2 = m2.get("document").toString();
242                     int result = d1.compareTo(d2);
243                     if (result == 0) {
244                         final int s1 = Integer.parseInt(m1.get("sentence").toString());
245                         final int s2 = Integer.parseInt(m2.get("sentence").toString());
246                         result = s1 - s2;
247                     }
248                     return result;
249                 });
250                 String file = null;
251                 int fileCounter = 0;
252                 for (final Map<String, Object> map : this.reportModel) {
253                     final String curFile = map.get("document").toString();
254                     fileCounter += curFile.equals(file) ? 0 : 1;
255                     file = curFile;
256                     map.put("id", "S" + fileCounter + "." + map.get("sentence"));
257                 }
258                 runTemplate(this.reportPath.resolve("index.html").toFile(), INDEX_TEMPLATE,
259                         ImmutableMap.of("sentences", this.reportModel));
260                 final String css = Resources.toString(
261                         Analyzer.class.getResource(Analyzer.class.getSimpleName() + ".css"),
262                         Charsets.UTF_8);
263                 Files.write(css, this.reportPath.resolve("index.css").toFile(), Charsets.UTF_8);
265             } catch (final IOException ex) {
266                 Throwables.propagate(ex);
267             }
268         }
270         // Return precision / recall stats
271         return this.evaluator.getResult();
272     }
274     private static void renderOpinions(final Appendable out, final KAFDocument document,
275             final int sentenceID, final Iterable<Opinion> goldOpinions,
276             final Iterable<Opinion> testOpinions) throws IOException {
278         // Extract the terms of the sentence.
279         final List<Term> sentenceTerms = Ordering.from(Term.OFFSET_COMPARATOR).sortedCopy(
280                 document.getSentenceTerms(sentenceID));
281         final Range sentenceRange = Range.enclose(NAFUtils.rangesFor(document, sentenceTerms));
282         final String text = document.getRawText().replace("&nbsp;", " ");
284         // Align gold and test opinions
285         final Opinion[][] pairs = Util.align(Opinion.class, goldOpinions, testOpinions, true,
286                 true, true, OpinionPrecisionRecall.matcher());
288         // Identify the ranges of text to highlight in the sentence
289         for (final Opinion[] pair : pairs) {
291             // Retrieve gold and test opinions (possibly null)
292             final Opinion goldOpinion = pair[0];
293             final Opinion testOpinion = pair[1];
295             // Create sets for the different types of text spans to be highlighted
296             final Set<Term> headTerms = Sets.newHashSet();
297             final Set<Range> targetGoldRanges = Sets.newHashSet();
298             final Set<Range> targetTestRanges = Sets.newHashSet();
299             final Set<Range> holderGoldRanges = Sets.newHashSet();
300             final Set<Range> holderTestRanges = Sets.newHashSet();
301             final Set<Range> expGoldRanges = Sets.newHashSet();
302             final Set<Range> expTestRanges = Sets.newHashSet();
303             Polarity goldPolarity = null;
304             Polarity testPolarity = null;
306             // Process gold opinion (if any)
307             if (goldOpinion != null) {
308                 if (goldOpinion.getOpinionTarget() != null) {
309                     final List<Term> t = goldOpinion.getOpinionTarget().getSpan().getTargets();
310                     targetGoldRanges.addAll(NAFUtils.rangesFor(document, t));
311                     headTerms.addAll(NAFUtils.extractHeads(document, null, t, NAFUtils
312                             .matchExtendedPos(document, "NN", "PRP", "JJP", "DTP", "WP", "VB")));
313                 }
314                 if (goldOpinion.getOpinionHolder() != null) {
315                     final List<Term> h = goldOpinion.getOpinionHolder().getSpan().getTargets();
316                     holderGoldRanges.addAll(NAFUtils.rangesFor(document, h));
317                     headTerms.addAll(NAFUtils.extractHeads(document, null, h,
318                             NAFUtils.matchExtendedPos(document, "NN", "PRP", "JJP", "DTP", "WP")));
319                 }
320                 if (goldOpinion.getOpinionExpression() != null) {
321                     final List<Term> e = goldOpinion.getOpinionExpression().getSpan().getTargets();
322                     expGoldRanges.addAll(NAFUtils.rangesFor(document, e));
323                     headTerms.addAll(NAFUtils.extractHeads(document, null, e,
324                             NAFUtils.matchExtendedPos(document, "NN", "VB", "JJ", "R")));
325                     goldPolarity = Polarity.forExpression(goldOpinion.getOpinionExpression());
326                 }
327             }
329             // Process test opinion (if any)
330             if (testOpinion != null) {
331                 if (testOpinion.getOpinionTarget() != null) {
332                     final List<Term> t = testOpinion.getOpinionTarget().getSpan().getTargets();
333                     targetTestRanges.addAll(NAFUtils.rangesFor(document, t));
334                 }
335                 if (testOpinion.getOpinionHolder() != null) {
336                     final List<Term> h = testOpinion.getOpinionHolder().getSpan().getTargets();
337                     holderTestRanges.addAll(NAFUtils.rangesFor(document, h));
338                 }
339                 if (testOpinion.getOpinionExpression() != null) {
340                     final List<Term> e = testOpinion.getOpinionExpression().getSpan().getTargets();
341                     expTestRanges.addAll(NAFUtils.rangesFor(document, e));
342                     testPolarity = Polarity.forExpression(testOpinion.getOpinionExpression());
343                 }
344             }
346             // Split the sentence range based on the highlighted ranges identified before
347             final List<Range> headRanges = NAFUtils.rangesFor(document, headTerms);
348             @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
349             final List<Range> ranges = sentenceRange.split(ImmutableSet.copyOf(Iterables
350                     .<Range>concat(targetGoldRanges, targetTestRanges, holderGoldRanges,
351                             holderTestRanges, expGoldRanges, expTestRanges, headRanges)));
353             // Emit the HTML
354             out.append("<p class=\"opinion\">");
355             out.append("<span class=\"opinion-id\" title=\"Test label: ")
356                     .append(testOpinion == null ? "-" : testOpinion.getLabel())
357                     .append(", gold label: ")
358                     .append(goldOpinion == null ? "-" : goldOpinion.getLabel()).append("\">")
359                     .append(testOpinion == null ? "-" : testOpinion.getId()).append(" / ")
360                     .append(goldOpinion == null ? "-" : goldOpinion.getId()).append("</span>");
361             for (final Range range : ranges) {
362                 final boolean targetGold = range.containedIn(targetGoldRanges);
363                 final boolean targetTest = range.containedIn(targetTestRanges);
364                 final boolean holderGold = range.containedIn(holderGoldRanges);
365                 final boolean holderTest = range.containedIn(holderTestRanges);
366                 final boolean expGold = range.containedIn(expGoldRanges);
367                 final boolean expTest = range.containedIn(expTestRanges);
368                 final boolean head = range.containedIn(headRanges);
369                 int spans = 0;
370                 if (holderGold || holderTest) {
371                     ++spans;
372                     final String css = (holderGold ? "hg" : "") + " " + (holderTest ? "ht" : "");
373                     out.append("<span class=\"").append(css).append("\">");
374                 }
375                 if (targetGold || targetTest) {
376                     ++spans;
377                     final String css = (targetGold ? "tg" : "") + " " + (targetTest ? "tt" : "");
378                     out.append("<span class=\"").append(css).append("\">");
379                 }
380                 if (expGold || expTest) {
381                     ++spans;
382                     final String css = (expGold ? "eg" + goldPolarity.ordinal() : "") + " "
383                             + (expTest ? "et" + testPolarity.ordinal() : "");
384                     out.append("<span class=\"").append(css).append("\">");
385                 }
386                 if (head) {
387                     ++spans;
388                     out.append("<span class=\"head\">");
389                 }
390                 out.append(text.substring(range.begin(), range.end()));
391                 for (int i = 0; i < spans; ++i) {
392                     out.append("</span>");
393                 }
394             }
395             out.append("</p>");
396         }
397     }
399     private static Multimap<Integer, Opinion> toMultimap(final Iterable<Opinion> opinions) {
400         final Multimap<Integer, Opinion> map = HashMultimap.create();
401         for (final Opinion opinion : opinions) {
402             int sentenceID = 1;
403             if (opinion.getExpressionSpan() != null && !opinion.getExpressionSpan().isEmpty()) {
404                 sentenceID = opinion.getExpressionSpan().getTargets().get(0).getSent();
405             } else if (opinion.getHolderSpan() != null && !opinion.getHolderSpan().isEmpty()) {
406                 sentenceID = opinion.getHolderSpan().getTargets().get(0).getSent();
407             } else if (opinion.getTargetSpan() != null && !opinion.getTargetSpan().isEmpty()) {
408                 sentenceID = opinion.getHolderSpan().getTargets().get(0).getSent();
409             }
410             map.put(sentenceID, opinion);
411         }
412         return map;
413     }
415     private static Mustache loadTemplate(final String name) {
416         try {
417             final DefaultMustacheFactory factory = new DefaultMustacheFactory();
418             return factory.compile(new InputStreamReader(Analyzer.class.getResource(name)
419                     .openStream(), Charsets.UTF_8), name);
420         } catch (final IOException ex) {
421             throw new Error(ex);
422         }
423     }
425     private static void runTemplate(final File file, final Mustache template, final Object model)
426             throws IOException {
427         try (Writer writer = IO.utf8Writer(IO.buffer(IO.write(file.getAbsolutePath())))) {
428             template.execute(writer, model);
429         }
430     }
432     public static Analyzer create(final Iterable<String> goldLabels,
433             final Iterable<String> testLabels, @Nullable final Path reportPath,
434             final Component... components) {
435         return new Analyzer(goldLabels, testLabels, null, reportPath, components);
436     }
438     public static Analyzer create(final Iterable<String> goldLabels, final Extractor extractor,
439             @Nullable final Path reportPath, final Component... components) {
440         return new Analyzer(goldLabels, null, extractor, reportPath, components);
441     }
443     public static void main(final String... args) {
445         try {
446             // Parse command line
447             final CommandLine cmd = CommandLine
448                     .parser()
449                     .withName("fssa-analyze")
450                     .withHeader(
451                             "Analyze the output of an opinion extractor, "
452                                     + "possibly emitting a per-sentence HTML report.")
453                     .withOption("p", "properties", "a sequence of key=value properties, used to " //
454                             + "select and configure the trainer", "PROPS", Type.STRING, true,
455                             false, false)
456                     .withOption("c", "components", "the opinion components to consider: " //
457                             + "(e)xpression, (h)older, (t)arget, (p)olarity", "COMP", Type.STRING,
458                             true, false, false)
459                     .withOption("l", "labels", "the labels of gold opinions to consider, comma " //
460                             + "separated  (no spaces)", "LABELS", Type.STRING, true, false, false)
461                     .withOption("b", "test-labels",
462                             "the labels of pre-existing test opinions to consider, comma " //
463                                     + "separated  (no spaces)", "LABELS", Type.STRING, true,
464                             false, false)
465                     .withOption("m", "model",
466                             "the extractor model, in case opinion extraction is done on the fly",
467                             "FILE", Type.FILE_EXISTING, true, false, false)
468                     .withOption("r", "recursive",
469                             "recurse into subdirectories of specified input paths")
470                     .withOption("@", "list",
471                             "interprets input as list of file names, one per line")
472                     .withOption("o", "output", "the output path where to emit optional reports",
473                             "DIR", Type.DIRECTORY, true, false, false)
474                     .withOption(null, "wordnet", "wordnet dict path", "PATH",
475                             Type.DIRECTORY_EXISTING, true, false, false)
476                     .withFooter(
477                             "Zero or more input paths can be specified, corresponding either "
478                                     + "to NAF files or directories that are scanned for NAF "
479                                     + "files. If the list is empty, an input NAF file will be "
480                                     + "read from the standard input. Exactly one option among -m "
481                                     + "and -b must be specified.")
482                     .withLogger(LoggerFactory.getLogger("eu.fbk")) //
483                     .parse(args);
485             // Extract options
486             final Properties properties = Util.parseProperties(cmd.getOptionValue("p",
487                     String.class, ""));
488             final Component[] components = Component.forLetters(
489                     cmd.getOptionValue("c", String.class, "")).toArray(new Component[0]);
490             final Set<String> goldLabels = ImmutableSet.copyOf(Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings()
491                     .split(cmd.getOptionValue("l", String.class, "")));
492             final Set<String> testLabels = ImmutableSet.copyOf(Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings()
493                     .split(cmd.getOptionValue("b", String.class, "")));
494             final Path modelPath = cmd.getOptionValue("m", Path.class);
495             final boolean recursive = cmd.hasOption("r");
496             final boolean list = cmd.hasOption("@");
497             final Path outputPath = cmd.getOptionValue("o", Path.class, null);
498             final List<Path> inputPaths = Lists.newArrayList(cmd.getArgs(Path.class));
499             if (!testLabels.isEmpty() && modelPath != null) {
500                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both option -m and -b were specified");
501             }
503             final String wordnetPath = cmd.getOptionValue("wordnet", String.class);
504             if (wordnetPath != null) {
505                 WordNet.setPath(wordnetPath);
506             }
508             // Identify input
509             final List<Path> files = Util.fileMatch(inputPaths, ImmutableList.of(".naf",
510                     ".naf.gz", ".naf.bz2", ".naf.xz", ".xml", ".xml.gz", ".xml.bz2", ".xml.xz"),
511                     recursive, list);
512             final Iterable<KAFDocument> documents = files != null ? Corpus.create(false, files)
513                     : ImmutableList.of(NAFUtils.readDocument(null));
515             // Setup the opinion extractor, if enabled
516             final Extractor extractor = modelPath == null ? null //
517                     : Extractor.readFrom(modelPath, properties);
519             // Setup the analyzer
520             final Analyzer analyzer = extractor != null ? create(goldLabels, extractor,
521                     outputPath, components) : create(goldLabels, testLabels, outputPath,
522                     components);
524             // Perform the extraction
525             final Tracker tracker = new Tracker(LOGGER, null, //
526                     "Processed %d NAF files (%d NAF/s avg)", //
527                     "Processed %d NAF files (%d NAF/s, %d NAF/s avg)");
528             tracker.start();
529             StreamSupport.stream(documents.spliterator(), false).forEach(
530                     (final KAFDocument document) -> {
531                         analyzer.add(document);
532                         tracker.increment();
533                     });
534             tracker.end();
536             // Complete the analysis
537             final OpinionPrecisionRecall opr = analyzer.complete();
538             LOGGER.info("Measured performances:\n{}", opr);
540         } catch (final Throwable ex) {
541             CommandLine.fail(ex);
542         }
543     }
545 }